Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, not knowing why such a personal question was brought up on the table.

"Uh, okay, then you go back early!"

Miss Lungobier also discovered her gaffe, and hurriedly covered her face, staring at Ye Yueshen tightly and said.

"Give the Duke a uniform! Princess!"

Ye Luna pointed at Miss Lungobier and said with a playful expression:

"When I come back from Albion, your inner guard will become the biggest noble in Albion! You can't meet your own people in this way!"


Miss Lungobier was about to accuse Ye Yueshen of talking nonsense, but she suddenly became silent when she saw the true love revealed to her from the corner of his eyes, and the princess beside her said inexplicably:

"Okay, but we don't have Duchess clothes here!"

"Don't you like designing clothes? You can help design a set!"

Ye Yueshen smiled at the princess, and then left Miyagi alone...

Chapter [-] Promise

"Is it true? Master Principal?"

Hearing that Ye Yueshen said that she was only bringing Albion with her, Louise hugged Ye Yueshen excitedly!

"It's true, Louise, I know you're excited, but don't be so excited, okay?"

Ye Luna patted Louise's head and looked up at Duke Bariello, who was stunned, with an embarrassed expression.

"Uh, under the excitement, I refused to let you forget that this is my house?"

Louise loosened Ye Luna with black threads all over her head, thinking helplessly, but she could only bite the bullet and turn around and say to her father:

"Father, I was so excited just now!"

"Uh, I haven't welcomed the Principal yet..."

When encountering such a thing, the Duke of Barrielu just pretended that he didn't see it, otherwise everyone would be even more embarrassed!

"Uh, no need, time is urgent, I have to take Louise to Smoknews, and try to catch up with the most sailboats in the evening!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Duke Barrielu embarrassedly. At this time, it was really embarrassing for him to pretend to be nothing and have a drink with the Duke!

"Oh, if that's the case, then forget it. I hope the principal will take care of the little girl on the road!"

Duke Barrielu saw Ye Yueshen's appearance, and guessed two or three points. Seeing that his daughter's appearance was similar to Ye Yueshen's appearance, he softened his heart and let Louise out!

"Okay! I knew that my father was the best for me!"

Unexpectedly, her father was so refreshing. In her excitement, Louise quickly said goodbye to her father, took Ye Yueshen's hand and left her house.

"Master, didn't you see that the principal took the young lady's hand out of the door?"

The housekeeper beside him looked at Duke Bariello in surprise and asked with a look of surprise.

"Ah? Is that so? Why didn't I see it, oh my, I didn't bring my reading glasses..."

The Duke of Barriere was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly shouted and turned around, leaving the shocked butler in place.

"Master, presbyopia can see far and can't see near, can't you find a better reason?!"

No matter what the housekeeper thought, anyway, Ye Yueshen let go of Louise's hand when he left the door, excused himself to find a carriage, and hurriedly escaped from the curious eyes of many people. No matter what time of year, people's gossip mentality is indispensable. of!

"What kind of place is this Albion?"

Ye Yueshen drove a carriage through the wilderness, and finally had a chance to have a good chat with Louise!

"Uh, it's a big island country hanging off the land. It was originally divided into pieces. I heard that a duke of Garnesia landed there with his army hundreds of years ago, conquered it, and then unified it. After the whole island, they began to attack Garnesia, and recently the king died suddenly, and the result is once again in a state of disintegration!"

Although Louise is not very good at magic, she is still very serious in her studies, especially in the humanities aspect, she is also a leader in the Magic Academy!

"Well, it seems that we have a good chance of bringing Albion back to unity this time!"

Yeyueshen said with a smile, as if this chaotic situation was exactly what Yeyueshen wanted to see!

"Uh, what are you going to do, Principal? Like the Duke of Hastings back then, will you conquer there with mercenaries?"

Seeing Yeyueshen's excited appearance, Louise was curious to participate in the topic of Yeyueshen, but she didn't realize that Yeyueshen would not hire mercenaries at all!

"No no no! Of course we will let the friendly Prince Albion unify the place, and then let Miss Lungobier take back everything that belongs to her father and become a duchess!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and looked at the sky, completely ignoring the reins in his hands and the road in front of him.

"You mean, once we succeed, Miss Lungobier will have the chance to become a nobleman of Albion?"

Louise looked at Ye Luna excitedly and said, as if she heard some sounds of nature!

"Um. That's what it is! Why are you so excited?"

Ye Yueshen took out the water from his waist and looked at Louise curiously while drinking it. I don't know why this matter makes Louise so excited!

"Well, of course I'm happy for Miss Lungobier!"

Louise said indifferently, but she was secretly delighted in her heart. If Luna's vision came true and Miss Lungobier became a nobleman of Albion, wouldn't she leave Luna's side? ?Are you missing a competitor?

"Don't worry, you'll be the Duchess of Torristin too!"

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