"You idiot over there, keep your head down!"

The lovely and lovely Loli's voice came from above, Ye Shenyue looked up and saw a petite girl standing on the top of a high building, and then jumped down.

Want to jump off a building?

of course not.At the moment when the girl jumped off the building, she flexibly opened the parachute tied to her back, and controlled a special parachute similar to a glider with both hands, and the girl flexibly slid down from the air.

The distance between the girl was getting closer, and Ye Shenyue's vision became clearer and clearer, and finally her eyes fell on the girl.

To be precise, it's the bottom of a girl's skirt.


"It's actually bear underwear!"

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but screamed out, but at this time, the sound of "Touch!" was more clearly heard in her ears.

The girl let go of the hand controlling the parachute at an astonishing speed, and her two little feet were put on the place where they had held the parachute almost at the same time.Controlling the parachute with both feet, at the same time with both hands free, he shot at the two-wheeled vehicle that was chasing after Yagami.

"Flexibility is great."

When the two-wheeled vehicle with a gun strapped to him following him exploded, Yagami was still staring at the girl who was moving towards her quickly from the air, and praised her agile movements.

"This... you pervert... I won't save you!"

The distance between the girl and Ye Shenyue is very close. The girl heard both the first and second sentences of Ye Shenyue, and she heard it clearly. She was originally controlling the parachute to slide down. At this moment, the girl Suddenly, her cheeks were puffed up, and her hands were shrunk when she was about to hold Yashenyue, who was still telling him to ride a bicycle.

It's going to die!

Hey hey hey, you are Butchi, how can you die!

The girl's hand-shrinking action was quick, and Ye Shenyue's reaction was even faster. The moment the girl and him avoided the confrontation, her body on the bicycle jumped suddenly, and she jumped up and hugged the girl regardless of the [-]. hug!

"You... where are you slut... ah..."

The girl was angry, but before she could finish her words, she was immediately involved in the whirlwind of the bomb detonated by the sudden deceleration of the bicycle, and flew to the roof of a house with Yagami, and then fell off.

Girl, fainted.

Just fainted.

"Hey hey hey... Aria? Aria..."

He was also hit by the whirlwind of the bomb, also fell from the sky, and then fell from the roof again impartially. Yagami called twice to the girl who was lying motionless on top of him.

It just seems that the effect is not very good, and the girl has no response.

Passed out?

Ye Shenyue moved the girl's body a little, and fell from such a high distance, it's great that he hasn't hung up yet.

It's just that pain is inevitable.

Especially now that it is regarded as a cushion-like thing, which is extremely painful.

After moving the girl's body away a little, Ye Shenyue came to life from under the girl's body, and carefully looked at the long-haired girl with beautiful pink double ponytails in front of her.

The girl is very petite and small, and even if she stands up completely, it has only just reached his chest.

She looks cute when her eyes are closed.

How can I say it, this cuteness makes people want to play with her and tease her.

Ye Shenyue's hand gently touched the girl's smooth and delicate shoulders, and there was a strange feeling in her heart.There seemed to be an indescribable intimacy.

Had he seen Aria before?

"Um... what's wrong..."

What's even more strange is that Ye Shenyue just touched the girl's face just now, but the girl opened her eyes vaguely. Her eyes were very beautiful, big and round, and they looked very energetic.

It's just that Ye Shenyue has a strange feeling.

That magical feeling, like a fairy tale, the prince kisses the sleeping princess, and the princess wakes up.It's just that he didn't use a kiss, but a slight and incredible touch.


"You pervert, pervert, pervert!" The girl who woke up from x3 was still a little confused like a cute kitten, but soon, the girl noticed Ye Shenyue's hand on her face... …

The girl quickly took two steps back, covered her face with one hand, and quickly lifted the untied skirt with the other hand.

The girl's angry voice boiled.

"You...what did you do to me! Actually...you actually took off your skirt...you really did what you did while I was sleeping! You pervert!"

The girl became so excited that she was so excited that she held her pants with one hand and picked up the pistol tied to her thigh with one hand, and pointed it at Yagami.

Today's girls have been completely shrouded in "being taken off their skirts" and "being done with shameless things".

"You...you ruined my innocence, you...I'm going to kill you!"

The girl is ready to shoot.

No, it had already been shot, and the copper-colored bullets flew out, and the girl was almost broken.

The bullets of revenge are now being fired.

"Not good... Be careful!"

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