The prince said timidly:

"But I can't go to the center and punish Marshal Amproton!"

"Why? He is the culprit who betrayed you. Many of your battle losses are related to this guy!"

I have already heard Ye Luna explain Amproton's identity, and Louise has no honorifics when she speaks!

"But! However, these days, I used the words that Marshal Amproton was outside and the army would come to rescue everyone's morale. Moreover, if I interrogate Marshal Amproton in front of everyone, I will expose my previous words. Is it? In this case... what about my prestige?"

"Okay, then bring him in!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Prince Albion's embarrassment, so he didn't want to embarrass him, nodded and suggested:

"However, you need to listen to his heartfelt words, why the person you trust most betrays you, and I hope you don't make the same mistake in the future!"


Prince Albion looked at Ye Luna, just like looking at his teacher, nodded respectfully, and then went out to have Marshal Amproton quietly brought up from the back door, while Ye Luna was very Naturally, he continued to sit in the hall and drink tea with Louise, but Prince Albion paced up and down the hall a little uneasy. Louise tried to protest several times, but was blocked by Ye Luna.

"The old minister is here!"

A feeble cry came, Ye Luna and Louise looked up, only to see that Marshal Amproton, who was still high-spirited before, had a decadent expression on his face!

"Don't worry, your nephew Rick Fallon doesn't know about you, and the prince will not embarrass him!"

Ye Yueshen saw Amproton's thoughts at a glance, and stood up directly and said:

"Now you can put your mind right and complain to the prince about your grievances! And why you betrayed him. In this case, the prince should not make the same mistakes in the future!"

After Ye Luna finished speaking, Prince Albion met Amproton's eyes, nodded to him, and said:

"Lord Principal is right! Say whatever you want!"

"Principal? What principal?"

Hearing Prince Albion's words, Marshal Amproton looked at Ye Luna in amazement with an incredible look on his face!


Seeing Amproton's appearance, Louise jumped out from behind Night Moon God and pointed at him:

"The principal is not the prince's cousin! It is the principal of our Torristin Magic Academy! Do you know why I didn't talk much along the way? I'm just afraid of revealing the identity of the principal to you! Haha!"


Looking at Ye Luna with wide eyes, Marshal Amproton said in surprise:

"Looking at your appearance, I never imagined that you are actually the headmaster of the Magic Academy!"

Speaking of this, Amproton suddenly remembered something, turned his head and shouted to Prince Albion:

"Torristine is so good for a headmaster! Once their internal feud is over! Will there still be room for us Albion?"

"Fuck! Who told you to confuse the public here! We are the best allies! If it weren't for the principal, I would be deposed by you now! How dare you say such a thing! You are so shameless!"

Prince Albion shouted, and he kicked the already weak Amproton, while Yeyueshen watched this scene silently, but the trembling hands of the prince still made Yeyueshen's heart swept away. After a smog.

Chapter [-] Reason

"Bastard! If it weren't for you being an old man, the principal wouldn't have helped you up!"

Louise looked at Amproton angrily, and said unconvinced:

"Really, he's actually a bad guy! It's abominable! I admired you a lot at first!"

"Humph! I'm a bad guy! I'm a traitor, you are all good people, this is just what you say from your own standpoint! If our noble alliance wins, we can say that you are bad people!"

Marshal Amproton, who was supported by Yeyueshen, panted and said, Yeyueshen let go of his hand and looked at the somewhat stubborn old man and said lightly:

"But the situation is different now. You say these things have no meaning at all, just to cover up your incompetence! Talk about it! Why do you want to betray the prince?"

"you still need to ask?"

Speaking of this, Marshal Amproton pointed directly at Prince Albion in front of him and said:

"If it wasn't for this guy's jealousy and jealousy, there wouldn't be such a situation of betrayal and separation!"

"Nonsense! How can I be jealous? It was you who asked me to retire, but I just followed the trend! How could I know that you actually harbored misfortune, but when my father died, you said that you were the one who could help me!"

When Prince Albion heard the words of Marshal Amproton, he suddenly trembled with anger, and pointed at Amproton and said:

"But look at what you are doing now, don't say that you are worthy of me, are you worthy of my dead father, worthy of your conscience, and worthy of the people of Albion?"

"If this guy didn't show up, I'd be worthy of it!"

Amproton turned to look at Ye Luna with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"It is your appearance that has rewritten the history of our Albion, and it is also your appearance that we have no chance of getting a king who we thought was a competent king! You are an uncompromising hero to Torristin, But for Albion!"

"The same hero!"

Louise said to Amproton unconvinced:

"Don't talk about how noble you seem, people like you, it sounds better than you sing, but if you really succeed, this country is completely hopeless! I didn't see our Principal commanding. Haven't a few people been killed in the battle? God has the virtue of good life, and what our Principal does is similar to God!"

"Actually I am..."

Ye Luna smiled and looked at Louise, thinking secretly in her heart, but didn't say a word, so that Amproton, who was in front of him, seemed speechless to be refuted by Louise, and stood there with his head lowered, not talking!

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