Louise looked at Ye Luna with teary eyes, and said with a small mouth:

"You don't know, just before the battle started, when I rode a red dragon to report to the prince, I saw the blood stains and gunpowder smoke on the city wall, as well as those painful moans, I couldn't help but want to cry, so much A good person who sacrificed his life for the ambition of a shameless person, making his parents sad, his wife and children weeping, such a person can't be relieved even if he is cut in a thousand cuts!"

"Don't cry!"

Ye Yueshen gently hugged Louise, who was already crying, and said slowly:

"You know, if people in this world could have kindness like you, perhaps, war would not exist!"


Looking up at Ye Yueshen, Louise nodded her head. I don't know why, the big brother always gave this kind girl a warm heart, like a flame in the cold wind!

"Then what do we do now?"

Looking awkwardly at the affectionate scene between Luna and Louise, Prince Albion seemed to have found a window to vent, clenched his fists and said:

"I must make Clarks pay!"

"I'm afraid it won't happen!"

Marshal Amproton opened his mouth and said:

"From the information I got three days ago, Duke Clarks has already taken his troops to the Suclesburg on the back! He erected his flag there, saying that he wanted to take the Sucles area as a Own it!"

"So this guy didn't take part in the siege of the capital?"

Ye Luna looked at Marshal Amproton in surprise and said:

"This guy's direct purpose should be to become a king, why didn't he participate in the battle to siege the capital?"

"I don't know! It may be that the nobles also think he is for this purpose, so ask him not to participate. The duke who was struck to death by your lightning was also a tax collector at the time, and he was not very popular!"

While Marshal Amproton was talking, Louise was listening carefully. After he finished speaking, Louise said to Moon God:

"That is to say, it is actually impossible for this guy to inherit the throne after the prince is killed?"

"Uh, so to speak..."

Ye Yueshen nodded, looked at Louise curiously, and said:

"Did you find something?"

"Uh, it's not, it's just a feeling, I don't know if it feels right or not!"

Louise looked at Ye Yueshen with some fear. In her eyes, Ye Yueshen was an omniscient existence. Is her opinion really correct?

"Speak! I believe you!"

Ye Luna smiled and looked at Louise. Anyone who sees such a cute little girl will love it, not to mention that this little girl likes to use her brain!


Nodding silently, Louise gathered her courage and said:

"I always feel that this duke is definitely not ordinary, and he would pass up such a good opportunity. Is it because there is something more attractive to him in Suclesburg than the throne?"

"Yeah, is there?"

Ye Luna turned to look at Prince Albion and Marshal Amproton, and said:

"Is there anything precious in that place?"

"No! That place is deserted, basically a no-man's place!"

Prince Albion looked at Ye Luna and nodded solemnly. It didn't seem like he was lying at all. Marshal Amproton next to him also nodded his head in agreement.

"If that's the case, it looks like we're going to have to look into it!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and glanced at Louise next to him, only to find that this little girl was already standing aside, bowing her head and not speaking!

"It's okay! No one said that what you said was wrong, it may just be that the information we have now is not sufficient!"

He also pre-examined and touched Louise's little head, and said with a kind face, and Prince Albion, who was opposite, listened to it, and quickly comforted Louise and said:

"Master Principal is right, your thinking is not necessarily wrong! We will start attacking those fallen nobles soon, and when our army reaches Suclesburg, we will know whether your thinking is correct or not. !"


Even Marshal Amproton next to him hurriedly opened his mouth and said:

"Lord Prince is right! That's it, Louise, don't be sad, your analytical ability has already impressed me, old man!"


After hearing the words of Marshal Amproton, Louise raised her head, opened her eyes wide, looked at Prince Albion curiously and said:

"What! You don't hold the marshal to blame?"

"Haha! It's too late for us to reconcile!"

The prince smiled awkwardly, then stood up and respectfully said to Marshal Amproton:

"It was all my oversight, and I was taken advantage of by that bastard Clarks, which made you misunderstood! Old man, I am here to apologize to you!"

"it's okay no problem!"

The marshal waved his hand generously and said:

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