Prince Albion nodded convincingly and said:

"The soldiers are very fast! I will make arrangements now!"

After he finished speaking, he said to Marshal Amproton beside him:

"Old Marshal, I used to do things arbitrarily. Now I hope to rely more on you, okay?"

"Of course!"

Seeing the trusting eyes that the prince had not shown to him for a long time, the corners of Marshal Amproton's eyes couldn't help but get wet!What can an old man who is loyal to his ancestors ask for?It's just that I hope that under the prince's command, it will continue to shine!

"Okay! Then I'll leave the capital to you!"


Hearing the prince's words, the old man looked at the prince in astonishment. He didn't expect that the task that the prince gave him was not the so-called shroud in horse leather, but the foundation of staying behind the prince!

"That's right! I believe in you! Please don't refuse!"

The prince nodded with a smile, patted the old man on the shoulder lightly, and then brought his personal knights to the lawn below, selected loyal soldiers, formed a west road army, and drove out of the city!

"The minister will never give up!"

Yelling at the prince's background, the old marshal fell to his knees on the ground. The past scenes appeared in the old man's mind. For the prince's heavy trust, he would definitely not live up to it!

"Send a letter to your nephew! You need his help, after all, your health is not as good as before!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the old man's excited performance, and couldn't help but look sideways. It seems that this world is not only about killing and conspiracy, but also sincerity and loyalty!

"En! Thank you! Thank you! You are a good man!"

Speaking to Yeyueshen excitedly, when the old man looked at Yeyueshen, the sun just shot down from Yeyueshen's head, as if he was a god!

"It's okay! As long as your heart is right, there is nothing in this world that cannot be forgiven!"

Night Moon God smiled and took Louise down from the prince's castle, out of the castle, and came to the former army camp of the rebels, integrated the army, and prepared to march from the east to the north!

"Lord Principal! Why don't we leave here with the letter from the Princess? If we delay any longer, won't we be able to catch up with the Princess's enthronement ceremony?"

Louise sat beside Ye Luna, looked at Ye Luna's profile curiously and said.

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Fast

"Because we want to think of the princess and the Torristine kingdom of the princess, so we can't leave so hastily!"

Yeyueshen smiled slightly, and the expression on his face was extraordinarily confident. I don't know why, after Yeyueshen stepped onto the war horse, his whole person's temperament changed, and he became extremely resolute and confident!

"En! What exactly?"

Louise nodded, watching Ye Yueshen speak curiously, and her body was naturally placed in front of her horse by Ye Yueshen!

"For example, is our princess really willing to marry that shameless middle-aged man?"

While urging the horse under his crotch, Ye Yueshen said to Louise:

"The so-called thinking of others is not what you think is good for others, but for the sake of others, but to stand in the position of others and think about problems! This is called thinking of others!"

Ye Yueshen said, ordered his soldiers to leave the camp, and then continued:

"But from the point of view of ordinary people, they certainly think that it is a good choice for the princess to marry the middle-aged man in Garnesia, so that we can unite with the powerful Garnesia, and at the same time, we don't have to worry about war coming to Torres. Between Ting and Garnesia!"


Ye Yueshen paused for a while, looked at the military camp in the distance, ordered his soldiers to burn the camp, and then continued to Louise on his chest:

"But we have forgotten that the princess is not only our princess, but also a girl, a girl with flesh and blood. We can't make sacrifices for our peace, in order to avoid war, for a poor girl! This is obviously It's not right, is it?"

"That's right! The Principal is right, those shameless guys, every day they say that they are married to Garnesia, what will we do, and they say that we can become the United Kingdom of Garnesia and Torristin or something! But I You know, the princess doesn't like that domineering king of Garnesia!"

"well said!"

Ye Luna couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Louise. In this country full of machismo, she can express her heart freely. This is the real girl!

"Report, sir! There is a large group of troops ahead! I don't know if they are enemies or friends!"

A report interrupted the conversation between Ye Yueshen and Louise. Ye Yueshen's face was slightly unhappy, but Louise said sensible:

"Master Principal, let's deal with this matter first, and discuss it with you later!"


Ye Yueshen nodded, then shouted to his troops:

"Battle ready!"

After speaking, with the sound of a large sword being unsheathed, he brought Louise to the front of the army and saw the army standing in front of him!

"Where did you come from?"

Yeyueshen rode on the horse and looked at the army in front. Although there were many people, it could be seen that the equipment was not very good!

"Excuse me, my lord! Are you my lord from Torristin?"

An old man appeared from the team and bowed to Yeyueshen, looking at Yeyueshen eagerly.

"It's me, what's the matter?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the person strangely, not understanding why this guy asked this?

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