"What method? I thought you were going to settle this matter on the battlefield!"

"how could be?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the moonlight outside the window. The moonlight intertwined with the two moons was extremely beautiful!

"How could I let Torristine's army go to war! Not only the people of Torristine will be displaced, but the people living in Garnesia will suffer too! I would not do such a thing, for the sake of Waging war for illusory purposes is inherently unjust!"

"En! The principal is really compassionate!"

Louise nodded at Ye Yueshen, and looked at Ye Yueshen with approval.

"Haha, it's hard to be compassionate. Anyway, there is no so-called justice in war, but to a certain extent, I still don't advocate war."

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise with a smile, pointed to his head and said:

"So we have to use our own brains and use our ingenuity to solve these seemingly intractable problems!"

"En! You are right!"

Louise nodded, the principal is getting heavier and heavier in her heart!

"So, I plan to help Prince Albion unify the country. In this case, we can unite with Albion. After the union, we don't have to worry about Garnesia!"

Ye Yueshen said, stood up and walked to the window, and said lightly:

"That's why I helped those who were suffering to take the port today. With the transport of sailboats, the news can be passed from Albion to Torristine and Garnesia, so the two of us help Prince Albion. The unification of the country will spread like wildfire, the King of Garnesia knows that the princess has such two powerful men, will he consider the cost of the war?"

Having said that, Ye Luna turned around and gave Louise a bright smile!

"Of course!"

When Louise said that, she couldn't help but straighten her breasts, and said confidently to Ye Yueshen:

"Maybe when I go back, I will receive a medal from the princess herself!"

"En! You will be the pride of the Magic Academy!"

Ye Luna smiled, and then slept with Louise in the castle that had just been captured, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

"You got up so early!"

When Louise opened her eyes, she was already in the carriage!At this time, Yeyueshen quietly drove the carriage, with a growing team, heading northward. Jin!

"Don't hurry up!"

Ye Yueshen let out a faint sigh, pointed to the bell blown by the wind on the carriage and said:

"In the middle of the night, the north suddenly blew up, and those sailboats couldn't move. Our people had to set off quickly and go against the wind. In this way, we could reach Suclesburg as soon as possible, that guy named Clarks. , I don't know if I will run away!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, Louise had already sat up, leaned gently on Ye Yueshen's shoulder, and said softly:

"The principal is here, those Suclesburgs are definitely not a problem, the one called Clarks will definitely be captured by you!"

"hope so!"

Ye Yueshen agreed, and his brows were still furrowed. If the weather was bad, Ye Yueshen always felt that something was going to happen!

After marching all the way, Ye Luna finally came under Sucles Castle at noon. Although he didn't see Prince Albion's troops, Ye Luna looked at the tired soldiers on the city wall and ordered an attack directly, and , and soon captured the legendary Suclesburg, of course, also captured the Duke of Clarks!

"Look, I said that the principal's luck has always been very good, and there will be no accident!"

After taking Suclesburg, Louise hurriedly found a thick cloak for Luna from the castle to wrap it around. The weather in the north was particularly cold, and Louise's little face was flushed from the cold!

"The prince's army hasn't arrived yet! It looks like we're going to march southwest!"

Looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky, Ye Yueshen felt speechless for a while, turned around to hold Louise's little hand, and said with concern:

"It's really hard for you!"

As he said that, he blew on Louise's little hand!

"Report! Clarks was planning to escape just now and was caught by us!"

Moscolens suddenly came over and brought a guy with a flattened nose in front of Ye Luna.

"Okay, then let the prince's uncle follow us to see his nephew!"

Ye Luna glanced at Clarks, and then ordered Moscolens to take the army and start to attack the southwest.

"No, in this weather, we have to put on cotton coats for the soldiers!"

For the first time, Moscolens had an objection when he heard the order of Luna!

"Haha! Isn't there all cotton-padded clothes? The principal has asked me to prepare them for you!"

Louise jumped out, looked at Moscolens with dissatisfaction, pointed to several carriages in the distance and said:

"The principal is reluctant to let you freeze!"

Chapter [-] Conditions

"Hooray! Hooray!"

In the bursts of shouts, the night moon god riding a horse and carrying Louise came to Prince Albion together!

"Thank you very much!"

Seeing Yeyueshen riding a horse, the prince hurriedly saluted Yeyueshen. Although he was very excited, Prince Albion still did not have the courage to dismount and salute to Yeyueshen!

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