Sure enough, my king is a respected existence no matter what world he is in!That is to say, since fac is successful, his other anime can also be successful!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue only knew that money, he had countless money!

"Sure enough, it's my same generation. You also like this latest comic! Let me tell you Aikawa, this is the first time I want to chase a comic so hard!"

Orito put his finger on the glasses, and his eyes seemed to be flickering with light that made people afraid to look directly.


I have long known that the other party's temperament Ye Shenyue secretly speculated that you are so persevering in chasing those H-man!However, since even Orihu, the most nerdy guy, is also interested in fa, which means that the next market price must be greatly increased! The big head of fa has been successful, which means that other really blockbuster comics can be used!

Conan!Naruto, Pirates, Grim Reaper!Four hot comics!

money!Thinking of this, Ye Shenyue can already imagine the days of money!

At that time, no matter how many pink and tender crystal members are raised, it will become!

"Aikawa? Aikawa? You must be thinking about something that makes people envious!"

Orito was still immersed in excitement, but he caught a glimpse of Yashenyue's sluggish appearance at this time, and he quickly shouted, but he heard Yashenyue say, what experience has "killed people to death"!

How not to be envious and jealous.

"What do you think! By the way, today is a holiday, why don't we go see your girlfriend."

Ye Shenyue was a little embarrassed, so she quickly interrupted Orito's next question, but changed the topic to Orito's "girlfriend".

Ye Shenyue is still very concerned about the person who killed her for the second time!

How to "punish" her?

"Girlfriend? You're talking about Jingzi, not a girlfriend. I just treat her as a very cute little girl next door."

Orito shook his head, his face full of sincerity, it really didn't look like his Orito's nature.

"The little girl next door?"

If you really knew that the little girl next door you said had killed countless people, I wonder if you would still think she was cute!

Ye Shenyue sighed secretly, and at the same time wanted to meet this cunning, crazy, and even a perverted girl.

Kill her for revenge or another way to get revenge?

Ye Shenyue was brewing in her heart.

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Chapter 0020 Being teased by Jingzi

"Kingzi, who do you think is here?"

Orito pushed open the door of the ward first, with a calm and gentle expression on his face.It's the complete opposite of what he was like.

Following Orito, Yagami Yue was speechless.On the road just now, this Orito was still with a silver face, and he was talking about manga comics with him. How did he become such a person the moment he opened the door... um, what a good brother?

Ye Shenyue entered the ward, holding a bouquet of flowers. This is basic etiquette. Ye Shenyue still knows it, although the target is the one who killed her.

Ye Shenyue entered the room holding the flowers, and saw a girl who seemed to be seriously injured and struggled to put the pillow on her back and struggle to get up.

Just looking at it, Ye Shenyue kept sighing in her heart.This Jingzi looks very gentle on the outside, with golden and beautiful long hair draped softly behind her head, and her eyes are very beautiful, she seems a little nervous when she sees Ye Shenyue walking in, but she just stares at Ye Shenyue's hand. Hua'er still lowered her head slightly, the corners of her mouth were raised in a beautiful arc, and her cheeks showed a beautiful pink, and she smiled shyly.

This shy smile actually made people feel a strong sense of protecting the other party in their hearts. Could this be the shy smile of the little girl next door?

This smile was much more shy than Hiramatsu Taeko's. Seeing this smile, Ye Shenyue actually felt a heartbeat.He even felt his own heartbeat.

"Uh...Kyoko, put your ponytail on, maybe Aikawa will like it..."

Orito didn't know what was wrong, but he took the initiative to take the flowers from Ye Shenyue's hands: "I'll go and put the flowers in the vase."

When she was passing the night, she whispered, "Go chat with her, but you can't bully her. I already knew that Jingzi would like you, and she is very happy every time you come."


Ye Shenyue is a little unbelievable. After all, the memory that Orido has been instilled by Jingzi is that he is Jingzi's childhood sweetheart. Could it be that Orido is so willing to hand over his childhood sweetheart to someone else?Even his best friend shouldn't...

Ye Shenyue used the hearing ability of her ears to the extreme, and sure enough, when she heard the sound of Orido running out, it seemed to be a cry of unwillingness... Uh, this...

Ye Shenyue was a little speechless. It seems that this Jingzi still harmed this Gongkou King, and he even suffered a cup experience of giving green plums to a good friend for nothing.

Orito, I wish you a firm heart.

Ye Shenyue prayed in her heart for this Orito who was being kept in the dark, or was being tricked, but the next second she focused her attention on Kyoko.

At this time, Jingzi had already tied the two ponytails, looking less shy, but more lively.

Could it be that this was her true character before she was completely perverted in her heart?


Jingzi lowered her head, her two little hands were constantly entangled, her voice was a little low, and her cheeks were flushed.

Was it because he was shy to finally be alone with Aikawa-senpai, whom he had always favored?


Ye Shenyue secretly complained about the plot arranged by Jingzi in her heart. Since she wanted to play a play for Ye Shenyue to watch, if Ye Shenyue didn't cooperate, wouldn't she be too sorry for her love for entering the play... In addition, she used it all. The sacrifice of sex and seduction?

Sure enough, compared to Haruna's complete airport, Kyoko is still very predictable.

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