"Shall we go first?"

Miss Lungobier said that when Princess Anrietta and the sisters Louise were hugging, Ye Luna and Miss Lungobier stared at each other for a minute, Miss Lungobier, who was the first to react, while With a blushing face, he brought everyone to the palace where the princess is located in the voice of everyone!

"You really worked hard!"

Princess Anrietta said to Ye Yueshen, no matter how the task is completed, in short, Ye Luna can bring Louise back, Princess Princess is already very excited, when Ye Luna is not around, Princess Princess always I am too busy to touch the ground, and I feel that there are omissions here and not enough there!

"It's not hard work! It's all thanks to you!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the princess and said, the princess's face is not very good, these days must have been worrying a lot!Thinking like this, Ye Yueshen turned his eyes to Miss Lungobier.

"You've worked hard these days!"

Ye Yueshen's faint words almost made Miss Lungobier cry on the spot, but the strong Miss Lungobier still held back, just nodded to Yeyueshen and said modestly:

"It's all thanks to you, I don't do much, it's all done by the princess!"


Ye Yueshen agreed, then stood up and said the three conditions that he and Prince Albion signed!

"Uh, so to speak! Are you going to spread the word?"

Princess Anrietta said in surprise, the honor-loving princess, although she was very disgusted by the matter of marrying the king of Garnesia, but she wanted to go out in the streets and alleys to talk about her marriage, and the princess didn't feel much better!

"It's okay, although your reputation has suffered a bit, but in this way, we can see those people join the ranks of making waves, in order to test the loyalty of ministers and nobles, and can also anger the king of Garnesia, Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone to take the opportunity to dissolve the engagement with that middle-aged old man?"

Yeyueshen said triumphantly, Princess Anrietta couldn't help but nodded, but she said with some worry:

"Although what you said is right, in fact, you also understand that we are still facing the danger of civil strife, so that Albion has just been unified, and they are all weak. We anger the King of Garnesia like this, will it be counterproductive? Really angered that middle-aged old man and caused damage to Torristine?"

"Do not worry!"

Louise stood up to comfort the princess and said:

"Big brother took the army and unified Albion with almost no losses. With such strength, that middle-aged man has to be weighed!"

"Big brother?"

Miss Lungobier nodded, agreeing with Louise's statement, and said strangely:

"What does this title mean..."

"Uh, I'm used to it. The principal itself is not much different in age from me, isn't it?"

Louise looked at everyone with a smirk, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Inner, you can actually call it that, how kind, isn't it?"

"Uh... I'd better ask the principal to get used to it..."

Miss Lungobier glanced at Yeyueshen and chose to be silent. In fact, she was also called Yeyueshen by other names, but after thinking about it, she was habitually called the Principal, and although the Princess also voted envious Eyes, but considering her own identity, the princess still decisively refused to be called Yeyueshen big brother, but another possible title has been brewing in the princess' heart!

"The third rule isn't just for Miss Lungobier!"

Ye Yueshen opened his mouth and said, seeing that everyone was quiet, Ye Yueshen didn’t want this silence to continue, and planned to explain the reason for the third condition, but as soon as the words fell, Louise jumped out and said:

"I know, the Principal explained to Prince Albion why he gave Miss Lungobier a large fief! Ah, no, it was to give Miss Lungobier those fiefs back!"

Louise covered her mouth and glanced carefully at Miss Lungobier. After making sure that she was not angry, she hurriedly said:

"The first is to show Prince Albion's broad mind, the second is to find a help for the prince, and the third is to serve as a link between us Torristine and Albion, am I right?"

After Louise finished speaking, she smiled proudly at Ye Yueshen.Like a girl asking for a kiss, cute and bold!

"well said!"

Ye Yueshen said with praise:

"Louise listened very carefully at the time. That's how I persuaded the prince. Of course, this is the reason I told you!"

"Thank you... thank you!"

Sitting on the stool, her body trembled, and after a while, Miss Lungobier raised her head and looked into Ye Yueshen's eyes, her eyes full of gratitude. The tears that she could hold back at first were already overflowing and flowing. Under the eyes of Miss Lungobier!

"It's okay, it's what it should be!"

Seeing that his secretary was so excited, Ye Yueshen couldn't help but feel a wave in his heart, and his emotions flooded into his heart. He stood up, walked over, and hugged Miss Lungobier's shoulders. No matter what, this secretary is his greatest help. !Always be able to handle those trivial and important chores for yourself, but never complain!

"Thank you!"

Throwing herself on Yeyueshen's shoulder, Miss Lungobier seems to only say these two words, but for Yeyueshen, these two words are enough, totally enough!

"Ah! Can you two pay attention to the scene?"

The princess said while watching Louise's menacing eyes.

Chapter [-] War Threat

"Ah, please come this way, Principal!"

The princess coughed and rinsed at Yeyueshen, and made a gesture of invitation to Yeyueshen. The surrounding attendants also walked towards the door automatically. When Yeyueshen and the princess entered the hall, these people were used to staying away. !

"En! Come together, Miss Lungobier!"

Ye Luna let go of Miss Lungobier and nodded to the princess, but she did not let go of Miss Lungobier's hand, her eyes flashed with intimacy!

"Uh, is it okay?"

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