"This medal is also the same. The pattern on it is like Albion's unique four-leaf clover. In the eyes of these people, the design of this medal is too lack of beauty, and some disgust is normal!"

"I've never seen someone like you!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier's calm appearance and couldn't help sighing with emotion:

"If the average person finds that the things of his country are despised by others, it's too late to worry, how can you be calm as if you are not from Albion!"

"Because of this mentality, Albion hasn't made any progress in art, and it's been like this for hundreds of years!"

Miss Lungobi wrapped the Medal of Night Moon God in a box, picked it up, and returned it to Night Moon God, and said at the same time:

"If you don't admit that you are a backward person, you will never make progress. Instead of finding reasons to defend your poor honor, it is better to learn with an open mind, and then you can make real progress!"

"Well, it seems that you are used to staying here!"

Ye Luna took the box that Miss Lungobier handed over, glanced at the ribbon tied on it, and said with a smile:

"That's why those guards are so impressed with you!"


Miss Lungobier smiled faintly, took a letter of appointment in her hand and said:

"This is the temporary appointment that the Princess has recently given me, one of which is the acting minister of the Du branch, so..."

"So you are in charge of these people's food, clothing, housing, and wages?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the appointment letter in front of him in surprise. He was the principal of the Magic Academy, and his secretary was already a minister. What would you call him when we met?


Miss Lungobier showed an eight-toothed smile at Yue Yeshen, but Ye Luna was not so happy. She packed the box, looked at Miss Lungobier a little lonely, and turned her eyes to the big man behind her. Pile of dresses up!

"I knew you were careful!"

Miss Lungobier smiled and shook her head, suddenly stuck out her head, and whispered in the ear of Ye Moon God:

"I thought about this when you didn't come back. In order not to embarrass you, Princess Princess will announce your new appointment at the ball later!"

"Cut! I don't care about that!"

After listening to Miss Lungobier's words, Ye Luna shook his head calmly and said:

"You know? What I'm really worried about is whether the ministerial position you represent will affect your fief in Albion. After this turmoil, Prince Albion will make a great contribution to the vassal. If you don't go, What if your father's fief shrinks?"

"Uh, this..."

Listening to Ye Yueshen's words, Miss Lungobier's face, who was still very excited, suddenly darkened, and she lowered her head and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Actually, you don't need to say it, Prince Albion will do the same!"


Ye Yueshen responded loudly, surprised by Miss Lungobier's judgment. In his eyes, Prince Albion, although a little hypocritical, must be a trustworthy person in general!

"Why is it impossible?"

Miss Lungobier saw that there was no one around, and boldly said to Ye Luna:

"You know? Prince Albion is very prejudiced against my father. Even if this time because of your help, my father's fief and title are returned to me, but as long as I really return to Albion, then all kinds of troubles. It will come to you!"

"An encounter like that of Tabatha?"

After Ye Yueshen heard this, his heart sank, and he looked at his secretary worriedly. He really didn't expect things in this world to be so complicated. The nominal situation and the actual reality were completely out of tune!

"That's not true!"

Miss Lungobier was stunned for a moment, then she waved her hand at Ye Luna and said:

"But it's possible to make a big fuss about common etiquette flaws!"

"All right!"

Yeyueshen shook his head helplessly. Although Yeyueshen is where the omnipotent gods reside, it is impossible for Yeyueshen to interfere in human affairs. In that case, the world will not become a world, but will be manipulated by gods. Dolls and puzzles!

"Then what are you going to do? Not going back?"

Ye Luna stared into Miss Lungobi's eyes with excitement in her eyes. After listening to Miss Lungobi's words, Ye Luna, who had already bid farewell to Miss Lungobi, suddenly ignited and continued to say goodbye to Miss Lungobi. Hope together!

"En, at least not now!"

Miss Lungobier nodded and said frankly:

"In fact, there is no one who can have a good heart-to-heart talk with the prince, and it is not good for me or Albion, and it will even affect the people of my fief, why bother? ?"

"That's right!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and nodded, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked:

"By the way, what is the title that Princess Princess will give me later? Prime Minister?"

"...Also said that you are not interested in these false names, look at you, you are the Prime Minister as soon as you speak!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna, and then said the name of a title...

"What's the deal? The governor of the military inside and outside? Is this different from the Minister of Defense?"

Yeyueshen read this strange name, and wanted to know the official position that Princess Princess found from the old paper pile!

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