Under the guidance of the waiter, Ye Luna and Miss Lungobier sat in the front seat. Seeing that there was no clock on the wall, they curiously asked Miss Lungobier next to her!

"This...you have to wait for the princess to come, don't you think?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with some embarrassment. Although she was the organizer of the dance, the real protagonists were the princess and Ye Luna.

"OK then……"

Ye Yueshen agreed with a chuckle, turned his head to Louise beside him, and asked in a low voice:

"There are still a few days until the princess's enthronement. There is no problem with your family!"

"of course not!"

Louise patted her chest.Preserved, said in a low voice:

"Father has already said that if all goes well, the princess will become the queen. If there is an accident, our family's reinforcements are already ready to go at the nearest manor. If needed, they can come over in half a day!"

"That doesn't have to be..."

Ye Yueshen replied with a chuckle:

"With the three of us here, whoever dares to make trouble will make him regret living in this world!"

"That's right, the principal is the most powerful!"

Louise smiled sweetly at Ye Luna, thinking about what happened during the four days she and Ye Luna spent in Albion, and suddenly felt that her father's arrangements were a bit redundant!

"What about the other dukes?"

Ye Luna nodded with satisfaction, turned his head to Miss Lungobier and said:

"Especially a duke. Has there been any movement recently?"

"The other old foxes are hiding. It seems that they don't plan to participate in this matter. They are going to wait until the dust settles to pick peaches. As for the special duke, it seems that he has disappeared recently. There is no action, I I went to explore it myself, that guy actually spent half a day painting a picture!"

Miss Lungobier whispered directly to Yeyueshen, with a sweet smile on her face, which made outsiders smile, and did not doubt the identities of these two people at all!

"That's good! I hope the old man can see the situation clearly, and he won't fail the festival!"

Ye Yueshen chuckled and sighed, and just after he finished speaking, he heard the voice of the servant:

"The princess is here!"

"Don't do it, don't do it!"

Full of spring.The Princess of Light appeared in front of the crowd in an evening dress studded with pearls and gems. There was an immediate applause. The Princess also humbly nodded to everyone who came to the dance, and soon came to Yeyue. before God.

"You are so handsome today!"

Princess Anrietta stood in front of Night Moon God and said excitedly.

"Where, where, you are the one who unifies temperament and beauty!"

At the reminder of Miss Lungobier, Ye Luna stood up hurriedly, smiled and said to Princess Anrietta, and then added a standard kissing ceremony.

"Well, I thought there would be an accident!"

Princess Anrietta smiled back in return, but what she said made Miss Lungobier's face blush!

"Where, where, so many people!"

Yeyueshen responded with a silly smile, and the surrounding nobles all showed strange eyes, not knowing what the monarch and minister were talking about.

"I'm going to host first! Princess Princess!"

Seeing the reactions of the people around her, in order to prevent the dance from becoming a gossip circle, Miss Lungobier hurriedly stood up.While letting the princess take her place, she cast a warning look at Ye Yueshen.


Princess Anrietta's eyes were still looking at Ye Moon God, and while agreeing, she sat next to Ye Moon God, and the waiter also wisely added a chair next to the princess!

"Everyone, today is the day when the headmaster of the well-known Torristin School of Magic came back from Albion. Those who can come here, I believe we all know what our legendary headmaster has done these days! That's right, today's dance is a celebration dance for the Principal and the third Miss Barry Airu!"

Miss Lungobier stood in the middle of the dance floor and said loudly to the invited guests...

Chapter [-] Appointment

"Then we invite our esteemed Princess Anrietta to give a toast!"

Under the astonishing gazes of everyone, Miss Lungobier ended her speech and gave up the dance floor to the real master here.

"Long live Her Majesty! Long live Her Majesty!"

After Miss Lungobier had finished speaking, Princess Anrietta had just gotten up when a loud roar suddenly came from the crowd, and the content of the roar made everyone look sideways!

"This is bad!"

Ye Yueshen's heart was shocked, he quickly stood up and looked for the people who were yelling in the crowd, but found that all the people were dumbfounded and looked at one place, but there was no one there!

"Thank you for your love, this title is estimated to take a few days!"

Princess Anrietta, who had reacted from the shock, turned around gracefully and said to the crowd:

"Of course, I have no objection to those who want to practice now!"

"Ha ha!"

Everyone who was amused by Princess Anrietta's jokes quickly forgot about the troublemaker, and at the same time, their views on the princess also reached a new level.

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