Because the speed is too fast, the ten two-wheeled vehicles seem to have turned into immovable guns. The bullets fired are exactly the same as the continuous rain.

It's just that the bullet that filled the sky fell on Ye Shenyue's body, as if it fell on the wall, and could no longer follow up half a step.

It's just the next second, without seeing any action, all these bullets are actually shot back, and the target of the shot is not Ye Shenyue but these ten two-wheeled vehicles!


Immediately, in two seconds, five two-wheelers exploded at once.

And the remaining five remaining five cars actually retreated secretly!

Yes, Aria read it right, the two-wheeler actually

Chapter 004 Provocation from Riko

What does it mean to plan to keep up with changes?

What does it mean to keep up with the times?

Now that Yagami fully understood, she just watched Aria call the helicopter, and then flew to the school together, and then stared blankly at Aria standing on the podium.Ye Shenyue didn't have to look for his seat, because he was late, so there weren't many seats left, and he was the protagonist, so of course he sat in the window seat in the penultimate row of the second protagonist.

It's just that there is one more person standing on the podium at the moment.

Double ponytails, cute looks make people want to hold them back and raise them.If it was an ordinary school, everyone would think like this.

But after a brief introduction of Aria's self, everyone's opinion changed immediately.

This is a dangerous person, as far away as you can.

"Kanzaki H. Aria, S-rank Butei."

Aria's self-introduction is very short, but it will never be underestimated.

Everyone here is a student except the teacher. Everyone's level is quite different from the F-level Yagami Yue who does nothing, but the highest level has only reached A*, and the S-level can already be called an elite. The elite in it!

"Yishenyue, this girl is very cute..."

The base friend Muto was obviously interested, and poked Yashinyuki's arm with his hand and talked in a low voice.

"'s cute..."

But who would have thought that such a cute girl would take out a pistol directly from her thigh and cut a hole directly?

"What? An expression of disinterest..."

Jiyou is a little puzzled, although Yashenyue is always surrounded by beautiful Lord Baixue, but it is a man.How can you not steal fishy?

Muto just couldn't believe it.

"I'm going to sit... eh... sit next to that person!"

After a simple and powerful introduction, it was time to arrange seats, but at this time, Aria pointed to Yagami, who looked out the window listlessly.

"Then... that person?"

Hearing this, Ye Shenyue almost fell off the chair and couldn't sit still!

Did Aria really not know his name or something?

He has already called his father, but he didn't even know his name!

What kind of father is he, and what kind of daughter is she!

"Teacher, I just took the lot and got the seat next to Ye Shenyue, so I'll give the seat to Kanzaki-san!"

As a good engine oil, Takeshi Muto fully plays its role.

"Ye Shenyue? Is that your name? Very well... Then I'll sit next to you!"

Aria didn't know how to write polite, so she sat down.

I really don't know his name!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue really wanted to cover her face, because she was inexplicably named her father, but now she actually doesn't even know his daughter's name!

What a pity.

When I was bored, time passed very quickly, and soon the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students got up from their seats.

Riko walked over, and without any accident picked up the photo that was in the original necklace that Yagami threw over and Yagami put on the table.

The photo of the suspected butler.

"It's such a strange photo... Could it be that Xiao Ye went to work somewhere? Nah... Xiao Ye, shouldn't she have met some eldest lady... Maybe... Maybe there will be some super development!"

Riko with blond hair and two ponytails posted it directly, and picked up the photo on Yagami's desk, showing a curious and... excited expression.

It seemed that she had seen the truth.

"How could such a good thing happen..."

The housekeeper, he only remembers a certain [-]-person Xingdao of the whirlwind housekeeper who can only play games. In this world, there is no such thing, okay!

This world is only...

Ye Shenyue's eyes fell on Riko's double ponytail, which was already standing in front of him.

Aria secretly took a deep breath and said loudly.

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