Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobi in amazement, as if she didn't understand why she was so good at her plan, yet still being questioned?

"If I were the king of Garnesia, I would not be indifferent when my large envoys were ruthlessly blocked in front of the capital!"

Miss Lungobier put a cherry tomatoes in her mouth from the table behind her, reminding Ye Luna lightly.

"Hehe, do you think I forgot that middle-aged old man?"

The corners of Ye Yueshen's mouth twitched, with a disdainful smile on his face, and he said to Miss Lungobier:

"You know what? Not only did that guy dare not move, he also told his envoy to go back in a daze! Don't worry, I will do what I say!"

"Well, if that's the case, then wait for the good news!"

Seeing that Ye Luna was so confident, Miss Lungobi didn't say anything anymore, got up and went to the princess to help the princess send those nobles out of the palace.

At this moment, Louise suddenly ran in front of Ye Luna, grabbed Ye Luna's sleeve and said:

"Master Principal! Did you see that letter?"

"Ah? What envelope?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise curiously, and looked at Louise with a look of surprise. The expression on his face was so innocent!

"It's the love letter that the princess wrote to the prince. Didn't I take it first? Suddenly it disappeared!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen's ignorant appearance, Louise hurriedly explained to Ye Yueshen that this letter was of great importance. What would you do if you lost it!

"It's okay, think about it slowly, don't worry!"

Ye Luna squatted in front of Louise, reminded in a low voice, and joined the search team together with Louise!

Chapter [-] Arrangements

"Don't worry! It's not that serious!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the nervous faces of the two girls, didn't find it funny, and hurriedly reminded:

"I just talked about the consequences of letting those envoys come over, but I didn't say it was a disaster!"

"Uh, what did you say?"

Princess Anrietta blinked and looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, not knowing what he meant.

"I mean, I just analyzed the consequences just now, but there is no such consequences that can't be avoided!"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly explained, it seems that what he said just now made the Princess very frightened!

"You mean you've found a way?"

Louise jumped up excitedly and jumped directly in front of Ye Luna, her hands clasped together, as if she was worshipping Buddha!

"Of course!"

Ye Yueshen snapped his fingers in the air, smiled at Louise in front of him, and said:

"There are three key points in my analysis just now, do you understand?"

"Uh, I didn't listen so carefully!"

Louise looked at Ye Yueshen a little ashamed. Just now, she only cared about sadness, and really didn't think of the key point.

"The first one is the envoy, the second one is my enthronement ceremony, and the third one is those guys who hide evil intentions?"

Princess Anrietta blinked and timidly told Ye Yueshen what she thought, and Ye Yueshen was surprised when she heard it.

"It really is the princess, but it's different. The ability to calmly analyze is obviously much stronger than our Louise!"

Yeyueshen clapped his hands and glanced at the princess admiringly, and said sternly:

"That's right, those three points!"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen took out a piece of paper and a pen from behind, placed it on the table, lit by candlelight, and said as he wrote:

"First, this envoy, we can't allow them to come to our capital, so let's let the army of Duke Bariello go to stop it! How about it?"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen turned his eyes to Louise.

"Uh, I think my father will be very happy! After all, my family and Garnesia are feuding!"

Louise nodded to Ye Luna, and helped her father to undertake the errand. Afterwards, Ye Luna wrote the name of Duke Bariello on the paper, and continued:

"Second, it is your enthronement ceremony. In this regard, Miss Lungobier should be able to be foolproof. I don't understand the specific things. In short, I will attend your ceremony in person, and there should be no problem. !"

Saying that, Ye Luna wrote down her name and Miss Lungobier's name while Princess Anrietta nodded!

"The third point! Those foolish people who are still sitting on their dreams, I can only say that they are sad enough to catch them all in one go!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, he put the paper on the candlestick next to it and lit it, turning it into a mass of ashes!

"Why burn it?"

Louise looked at Ye Luna curiously and asked a more curious question.

"Because this is just a draft!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise with a funny face, patted her head, and took the princess and Louise out of the cubicle together. At this time, the dance was coming to an end, and those who had a good impression of each other The young nobles all went to unknown places, and the old people couldn't stand it anymore, got up and left, and the originally lively venue was deserted a lot!Only some noble representatives waiting to say goodbye to the princess are still insisting!

"Thank you for your hard work!"

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