Ye Luna looked at Louise in surprise with a smile on her face, as if she didn't want to deny Louise's point of view!

"No! How could it be!"

Louise looked up at Ye Yueshen and hurriedly denied:

"The principal is so concerned about the students, I'm too happy to be happy, how can I object!"

"Oh, so quickly learned to speak the truth?"

Ye Luna shook his head helplessly at Louise, but walked over, stretched out his arms, hugged Louise and said:

"Although they are also very good, in my heart, the most important thing is you!"

"Uh, I, I don't really care about this, Principal, Principal, look behind you..."

As Louise stammered, Ye Yueshen let go of Louise, got up, turned around, and looked behind her!

"Uh, did it bother you two?"

Princess Anrietta blinked, looking apologetically at Louise and Luna in front of her.

"Um, where, where, we're actually discussing some issues, aren't we? Louise?"

Ye Yueshen grinned a little embarrassedly, and Louise next to him heard the Yeyue myth, and hurriedly nodded and said:

"Yes, yes, the principal is discussing some issues with me!"

Not having the guts to tell the princess about the loss of the letter she guarded, Louise could only smirk and perfunctory.

"Oh! It seems that the two of you were quite intense during the discussion!"

Miss Lungobier, who was next to the Princess, looked at the things on the ground in front of her that were tossed and turned by Ye Luna and Louise, and she was really drunk!

"Uh, this, this is actually just an accident, an accident!"

Ye Luna also knew that Louise didn't want to talk about her loss of the envelope, so she could only deal with Miss Lungobier's problem!

"I'm going to ask someone to clean up this place!"

Louise knew that she was going to be exposed by staying here, so she turned around, ran outside like the wind, and called the attendants to clean up the venue, while Ye Yueshen sat calmly beside, watching Louise's busy figure In a daze, do not know what to think!

"Lord Princess said we can go back!"

Miss Lungobier's voice rang in Yeyueshen's ears, Yeyueshen hurriedly blinked his eyes, and only then did he realize that the meeting place, which was a mess just now, is now bright and clean, and its appearance has changed!

"Where's Louise!"

Finding that there were only himself and Lungobier left in the whole venue, Ye Yueshen asked curiously, but it caused dissatisfaction from the people around him.

"It turns out that you don't need to care about what's in front of you. People who have already gone home will care about it. It seems that it's superfluous for me to stay here!"

"You are so eloquent! What did I say..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier speechlessly, took a deep breath, leaned into Miss Lungobier's ear and said:

"Do you want to be like me and feel how Louise and I made a mess in the well-ordered venue just now?"


Miss Lungobier gritted her silver teeth and got up and walked out the door. Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier's back and felt speechless for a while. She didn't say anything, and someone had already lowered her mind...

"You took that letter!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen walking to her side, Miss Lungobier looked ahead, but what she said surprised Ye Yueshen!

"Have Louise told you?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with some surprise, but the expression on his face was not as nervous!


Miss Lungobier glanced at Ye Luna and said lightly:

"You think I'm eating rice? You can't hear you at such a close distance? How can you collect intelligence?"

"I didn't discover your amazing skill before!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, opened his mouth and said:

"Yes, I took it, do you have any ideas?"

"No! It's all in your hands anyway? Isn't it?"

Miss Lungobier gave Ye Yueshen a sweet smile and then strode forward, while Ye Yueshen looked at the back of her secretary and found that she couldn't understand more and more.

Later, when the night was quiet, the body of the night moon god had already appeared at the busy sailboat pier in the mouth of Smokenius!

Chapter [-] leaked

"Lord Principal! Are you there?"

When Louise's voice came, Ye Luna opened her eyes and looked towards the door, only to see Louise standing alone at the door, looking inside.

"What, what? Are you up so early?"

Ye Luna stood up and helped Louise open the door and let her come in and sit down.


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