Ye Yueshen tilted his head and looked at Miss Lungobier's back with a look of incomprehension. He shook his head, and didn't bother to think about it, so he just closed his mouth and followed, and of course he didn't let the office door be locked. !

"Let's go!"

Putting away the pots and pans that Siska brought over, Ye Luna walked up to Miss Lungobier, pointed to the carriage behind him, and said:

"It's really getting late, we're still waiting to taste your craft!"


Miss Lungobier nodded lightly, then ignored Ye Luna's outstretched hand, and jumped into the carriage by herself.

"Miss Lungobier, are you angry?"

Seeing Miss Lungobier's unrestrained appearance, Siska immediately clamped her knees shyly, put her hands on her knees, and lowered her head.

"It's okay, I'm used to it!"

Miss Lungobier tilted her head, without even looking at Siska, she said directly to herself:

"Siska, if you have a boyfriend in the future, remember, you must whip him a lot, otherwise, men won't use their brains to understand what you mean! Understand?"

"Uh, is it?"

Siska glanced at Miss Lungobier, shook her head noncommittally, then closed her mouth, and came to the front of Miss Lungobier's hut on the carriage!

"Wow! The scenery here is so beautiful!"

Siska screamed. As soon as she got out of the car, the little girl saw a lot of fireflies in front of her twinkling in the distance, like little lights in the sky, adorning the beautiful woods, and in the quiet woods, you could hear them. When I heard my footsteps, I didn't feel any panic. Instead, I felt that my whole person's mood was improved because of this beautiful scenery!

"Of course, this is where Miss Lungobier lives, and of course the scenery is beautiful!"

Yeyueshen agrees next to him, but his eyes are looking at Miss Lungobier. Although she doesn't understand why Miss Lungobier's mood has deteriorated, Yeyueshen still has a keen sense that the problem must be his own. of!

Miss Lungobier smiled at Ye Luna's arrangement, got out of the car, patted the things behind the car with her hand, and said:

"Take the things down and enjoy the view, okay?"


Ye Luna hurriedly moved, took down the tableware with Siska, and moved it under the pergola in front of Miss Lungobier's house!

"How's it going?"

Ye Luna clutched his stomach, put Siska under the pergola, walked to the kitchen door, and said to Miss Lungobier inside:

"Don't work too hard!"

"You are so strange!"

While stirring the stock in the soup pot, Miss Lungobi said to Ye Luna:

"Obviously I'm in a hurry to eat, but I'm talking about caring about me!"

"Because I know my food is coming out of your kitchen!"

Ye Luna leaned against the kitchen door and said to Miss Lungobier inside:

"You are today's master. I respect you, but I should!"

"Actually, you can also be the master here!"

While pouring out the soup in the soup pot, Miss Lungobi said to Ye Luna coldly:

"It's so quiet here anyway!"

"I really want to hear some overtones!"

Ye Yueshen looked up at Miss Lungobel's eyes, and said slightly surprised:

"You mean, between us!"

"It's time to eat!"

Miss Lungobier took the initiative to interrupt Ye Luna's words, put a large pot of soup in front of Ye Luna and said:

"This is today's big dish, it can't be broken!"

"Uh, okay!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Miss Lungobier in surprise, then reluctantly held the big basin in her hand and took it under the pergola outside. Then Miss Lungobier brought out the rest of the meal, and the three of them were together. This weird dinner started under the pergola!

"Really delicious!"

Siska kept praising Miss Lungobier's superb craftsmanship, and Miss Lungobier was also modest. The two girls chatted hotly together, while Ye Luna was ruthlessly put aside, not knowing what to do. He was eating the meal prepared by Miss Lungobier, but there were [-] questions floating in his mind.

"Let me do it!"

Ye Yueshen took the initiative to stand up and finally finished the meal that felt extremely long. When Miss Lungobier got up to clean up the meal, Ye Yueshen also stood up to clean up, and then went with Miss Lungobier. Into the kitchen!

"I'll say you're not suitable for housework!"

Miss Lungobier picked up the third plate that was smashed by Ye Luna from the ground, and slammed Ye Luna out of the kitchen firmly!

"I... What the hell happened to us today? It's been a pleasure working together for a day. Why are you suddenly so indifferent to me at this time?"

Ye Luna couldn't help but said strangely to Miss Lungobier.

"No reason! I'm in a bad mood, can't I be too tired?"

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