Siska quickly brought the gifts he had prepared for his family and the useless gems in Ye Luna's room, and then Ye Luna drove the carriage again, turned from Dernesia, and arrived in the west at the same speed as the wind. In the village of Ska!


When Siska got off the carriage, she saw her mother who was busy with the vegetables in front of her house. In excitement, she jumped out of the carriage and rushed towards her mother.

"Look at the family, and then look at us, we are really alone!"

When Miss Lungobier saw Siska hugging her mother so affectionately, she immediately sighed, and a clear stream swirled behind her eyes.

"If you like families, we can form them too!"

Ye Luna couldn't help but nodded after listening to Miss Lungobier.

"Uh, are you thinking too much?"

Miss Lungobier turned to Luna and said:

"I am now the real duke of Albion, can you marry me?"

"If you dare to marry me, I will dare to marry you!"

Ye Yueshen said confidently.

"Well, I shouldn't discuss this topic for you!"

Miss Lungobier pursed her lips and turned her head. At this time, Siska had brought her mother to Ye Luna and introduced Ye Luna and Miss Lungobi to her mother.

"The governor of the military inside and outside? What kind of official position is this?"

Siska's mother looked at Ye Yueshen inexplicably, not understanding what such a long job was doing!

"It's a big official post anyway!"

Night Moon God laughed, and then said to Siska:

"Bring the gift you've prepared for your family over there. Shall we go in and talk?"

"Uh, yes yes!"

After being reminded by Ye Luna, Siska's mother realized that she hadn't let the guests in.

"Where is your kitchen here?"

As soon as she entered the room, Miss Lungobier couldn't help looking at the somewhat dilapidated house.

"It's over there! I'll take you there!"

Siska's mother glanced at Miss Lungobier curiously, but got up and took Miss Lungobier to her room, leaving Ye Luna alone to curiously occupy this not-so-spacious thatched cottage.

After a while, Miss Lungobier returned to the room with a look of disappointment, and Siska also entered the room with the gift she had prepared.

Soon, the relatives and friends who heard the news came to Siska's house, and Siska distributed all the good things he had picked up in Diernesia to everyone, bringing joy and laughter.

"What? Don't plan to cook for everyone?"

Taking advantage of Siska's busy schedule, Ye Luna whispered in Miss Lungobier's ear.

"Don't mention it, Siska's kitchen is so cramped, I feel like a cage, and I don't know what they will use to entertain us!"

Miss Lungobier replied in a low voice, but because of the small room, many people heard Miss Lungobier's words, and many villagers showed a smile on the corners of their mouths, and Siska's mother directly pulled her own. The sisters had no idea what they were plotting.

"This is a little thought for everyone. It's just a lot of little gems, I just don't know if it's enough to send one to everyone!"

Ye Yueshen saw that everyone was silent, and hurriedly walked into the crowd with a bag containing precious stones.

Chapter two hundred and sixty seventh greed appears

"This, this is too precious!"

After Ye Yueshen opened the bag, a burst of light suddenly flashed in the dark room, and the aggregated crystal nucleus of the gems flashed everyone's eyes all at once!

"It's okay, these are all useless decorations, everyone is one!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then reached out and took out the gems from the bag, and sent them to the people around them one by one!

"Thank you so much!"

Siska's mother said gratefully to Ye Luna:

"Being able to come, has already made us flourish here, and now you are still giving out such a precious gift, it really makes people not know what to say!"

"It's okay! It's just a little effort!"

Ye Yueshen nodded calmly, and then said to everyone:

"Since everyone has it, I'll take the rest of the jewelry!"

After speaking, Ye Luna returned to Miss Lungobier's side, and Siska's mother came forward to let many relatives and friends go home, and the house was immediately restored, and even Siska went out to send people away. Unfortunately, Luna and Miss Lungobi were left inside.

"Why didn't you give the rest of the gem to Mother Siska? It's rude to take it yourself! Take back the gift you took out. You must be the strangest guest this village has received recently!"

Miss Lungobier turned her face to Ye Luna with an incomprehensible look on her face.

"That's because I have tested the greed of people in this place!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Siska who was seeing off guests at the door, and said faintly:

"Remember last time? It was the bastards of this village who sold Siska to the duke for something good. Just now, I was giving out diamonds, and I could clearly see how many of these guys were there. It's shameless to want to stretch out my hand again and again!"

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