"How can..."

Miss Lungobier turned to one side, put her hands on her chest, and said with a pouted mouth:

"I'm just kind-hearted..."

"All right……"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier sweating profusely, and found that she was pretty cute when she was boasting, so he said with a smile:

"Actually, you are not kind by nature, but have a natural desire to care about the weak, I understand!"

"Uh, this is the first time I've heard someone say that to me!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Night Moon God and didn't know what to say, so she could only turn around and said to Ye Moon God:

"Anyway, we are here to play and be guests. If we want to buy this thing, let's talk about it when we leave. It will save the villagers here!"

"Have you heard a story?"

Ye Luna also turned around and said with a light smile to Miss Lungobier:

"That's an inspiring story!"

"You didn't tell the story, how do I know what you were talking about?"

Miss Lungobier turned to look at Ye Luna with an unhappy face.

"Once upon a time, there was a grizzly bear who loved cleanliness very much, so he often went to bathe, but there were always people saying that it got more dirty after taking a bath. Later, the grizzly bear did something to solve the problem. Do you know how it did? "

Ye Yueshen said solemnly.

"do not know!"

Miss Lungobier answered directly:

"I've never heard of such a story at all! This story is made up by you to illustrate your broken point!"

"Well, you guessed it right!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier a little embarrassedly and said with a smile:

"Actually that grizzly just changed to a clean bathroom!"

"So what do you mean?"

An idea suddenly crossed Miss Lungobier's mind.

"That's right!"

Ye Yueshen snapped his fingers in the air and said:

"I just want the Siska family to leave this loveless country so that they won't be bullied again!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen raised his head and looked at the sky, and said lightly:

"I believe that Siska's sister definitely didn't go to the bee farm because she likes to keep bees!"

Chapter [-] Picnic

"How was your rest last night, Principal?"

Siska looked at Ye Luna who was yawning when she went out, and greeted with a smile.

"Okay! How about you?"

Ye Luna looked at Siska curiously, although she pretended to be very relaxed, Ye Luna clearly felt that Siska didn't sleep well last night!


Siska smiled reluctantly, and then brought Ye Yueshen to the well to wash his face, but Ye Yueshen saw huge tire marks on the ground at this time!

"What is this mark?"

Ye Yueshen pointed to the mark on the ground and asked.

"Uh, this one!"

Startled by Ye Yueshen's question, Siska almost jumped from the ground, thought about it, and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Maybe it's the mark of the carriage!"


Ye Luna raised his head and looked at Siska strangely and said:

"Really? When did the carriage mark become so wide?"

"It may be... it may be that a lot of carriages passed by! Haha!"

Siska covered her mouth and smiled, while Yeyueshen keenly noticed that Siska's palm seemed to be cocooned by something, and nodded noncommittally. After washing, Yeyueshen planned to go back to Siska's house for dinner. , but was stopped by Siska!

"Master Principal, do you know? There is a river to the north of us. Although it is a boundary river, the scenery is very good. Would you like to take Miss Lungobier for a walk?"

"With Miss Lungobier?"

Ye Yueshen responded lightly:

"Won't I take you with me?"

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