Ye Yueshen stopped Siska, who was about to chase after him, and continued to process the wood piece by piece. Following that, Siska and his sister climbed the roof of the mountain and placed the wood made by Ye Yueshen. The roof soon took shape with the help of everyone!

"I'm going to get you some thatch, and you can keep the paint here!"

Ye Yueshen clapped the sawdust on his hands, explained to the two sisters, and then walked towards the warehouse alone!

"Sister, will they dismantle that thing and use it as a door panel?"

Siska said nervously.

"When the door is used as the door, it's useless to put that thing there?"

Enchantment replied.

Chapter [-] The Great Discovery

"Aren't these thatchs enough?"

Ye Yueshen took out a lot of thatch in the warehouse, but Miss Lungobier still made a gesture to continue!

"Of course it's not enough. Are you going to let it rain on a rainy day? There are several layers of thatch! Do you know?"

Miss Lungobier stood on her hips and said to Moon God:

"If the houses of our noble buildings cannot become benchmarks and models, we will be a shame!"

"It's only been a few days since I regained my noble status, that's all I think..."

Ye Yueshen shook his head helplessly, thinking to himself that Miss Lungobier used to scoff at nobles, but now that she has become a noble, it is amazing to be able to say such things!

"What's in there?"

Miss Lungobier suddenly pointed behind Luna and called out:

"What's that green thing? Dragon skin?"


When Ye Yueshen heard Miss Lungobier's words, he threw the thatch in his hand, turned his head and took out his magic wand, aiming at the green steel plate that appeared behind him!

"I just guessed..."

Miss Lungobier nodded silently, and then said to Night Moon God:

"Go up and see, your skills are the best here!"

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen nodded and muttered:

"How can there be dragons in such a place? Don't dragons live at high altitudes?"

"This thing is so big!"

Yeyueshen peeled off the thatch next to him, but he couldn't see the whole picture of the thing, so he could only continue to throw the thatch out. Soon, Yeyueshen found that there was a behemoth in front of him!

"It seems that I need to ask the owner here to find out!"

Ye Luna got down from the haystack and said to Miss Lungobier:

"I'm optimistic about this thing here, it doesn't seem to be a simple thing!"

"Isn't it a dragon?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna curiously, not understanding what this guy was thinking.

"of course not!"

Night Moon God said with certainty:

"But don't touch it, it's not easy to mess with!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen walked out of the warehouse under Miss Lungobier's puzzled expression. In a warehouse, he saw Siska and her sister looking over here in the distance!

"Siska! Come here!"

Ye Luna shouted at Siska, then let Siska walk in front of him, and took Siska to the warehouse and said:

"Do you know this thing?"

"This is something from a long time ago!"

Siska nodded to Ye Luna and said:

"It's said to be something left by my grandfather!"


Ye Luna raised his head curiously, looked at Siska and said:

"Your grandfather built this thing? Could it be that your grandfather was an extraordinary mechanical genius?"

"Uh, it's not..."

Siska smiled and said to Ye Luna:

"My grandfather was a farmer all his life, and he didn't say anything about this thing, and he didn't say what it was used for. Since my father died, we have been worried about what to do with this thing!"

"Found a treasure!"

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