"do not know!"

Miss Lungobier answered directly:

"I've never heard of such a story at all! This story is made up by you to illustrate your broken point!"

"Well, you guessed it right!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier a little embarrassedly and said with a smile:

"Actually that grizzly just changed to a clean bathroom!"

"So what do you mean?"

An idea suddenly crossed Miss Lungobier's mind.

"That's right!"

Ye Yueshen snapped his fingers in the air and said:

"I just want the Siska family to leave this loveless country so that they won't be bullied again!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen raised his head and looked at the sky, and said lightly:

"I believe that Siska's sister definitely didn't go to the bee farm because she likes to keep bees!"

Chapter two hundred and seventy-eight overlooking the hometown

"What text is this?"

Miss Lungobier followed Ye Luna to the hillside. When she looked up, she saw the place where Siska and her mother had paid their respects. One of the long stone tablets attracted Miss Lungobier's attention. Small words were densely engraved on it. But Miss Lungobier didn't know a word!


Ye Yueshen nodded in his heart, looked at the words above, and said silently:

"The pilot who came to another world for some reason is buried here."

"You know the words on it?"

Lungobier looked at Ye Luna curiously, with an incredible look on his face. The word on it, Miss Longobir, had never seen a single word of a person with aristocratic education!


Night Moon God nodded and said:

"I used to wonder why Siska's hair was pure black, but now I understand that Siska's body has the blood of people from other dimensions flowing!"


Miss Lungobier immediately became interested when she heard Ye Luna's words.

"So, Siska's grandfather is not from this world anymore?"

"That's it!"

Night Moon God nodded silently and said:

"Maybe it was summoned by the people here. Anyway, your magic summoning technique can always summon some strange people!"

Ye Yueshen said, and added in his heart:

"Like me!"

"Uh! In that case, are we going to help Siska's grandfather return to another world? I believe her grandfather's relatives in another world must be very sad!"

Miss Lungobier tapped her chin with her hand.

"Then there is no need!"

Ye Yueshen took a deep breath and said sadly:

"No matter what space it is in, if the body disappears, it disappears! There is no reason!"

"All right!"

Miss Lungobier nodded silently, suddenly remembered something, raised her head and looked at Ye Luna in surprise and said:

"How do you know these things? How strange!"

"What's so strange?"

Night Moon God pretended to be relaxed and said:

"I can even materialize magic into an image, I still know that!"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen grinned and said with a light smile:

"There are so many secrets in this world that you don't know, do you want to ask me?"

"Uh...let's forget it!"

Miss Lungobier said in amazement:

"Anyway, what you said is your family's words, and no one can falsify it. I'd better not listen to it, and it will affect my worldview!"

"Okay! You're so smart!"

Ye Luna nodded with a smile, and then said to Siska who was paying homage to his grandfather and father in front of him:

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