After Siska returned to the ground, he looked at Ye Luna excitedly.

"Hurry back to your house. After packing up, we will take this thing to the Magic Academy! Haha! This time I want to open the eyes of the students!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, he said to Miss Lungobier beside him:

"Please, my good secretary, without your full support, how could I so easily soar in the air?"

"I thought you forgot about me!"

Miss Lungobier chuckled, then stepped on the steps and climbed up to the co-pilot of Ye Luna, and then the two of them easily ascended into the air, looking at the beautiful scenery below!

"It's so windy here!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier's flying hair and said.

"That's it! That's the perfect height for a sailboat to fly!"

Miss Lungobiel nodded with a smile, explained to Ye Luna, and then calmly looked back at the tail of the plane...

Chapter [-] Sailboat Fleet


Miss Lungobier's eyes widened and she exclaimed!


When Ye Yueshen heard Miss Lungobier's words, she immediately turned around in shock. Looking back, she really saw countless sailboats moving slowly towards the place where Ye Yueshen was in the air!

"Where's the sailboat?"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly asked.

"You fly farther and farther, how can I recognize it?"

Miss Lungobier complained loudly, but there was still a hint of surprise in Miss Lungobier's heart when she saw the shape of the sailboat; skip it!


Ye Yueshen didn't retort, but directly made a big elevation angle, then made a parallel turn, completed a difficult [-]-degree turn in the air, and rushed towards the pile of sailboats!

"It really is Albion's sailboat!"

Miss Lungobier's heart sank, and she said silently.

"What? Albion's sailboat?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the sailboat in front of him with an incredible look, and said:

"What are they doing here? Isn't this our airspace?"

"Generally, sailboats come unannounced, especially when so many sailboats come, or they come to such an area far away from traditional routes, which means..."

Miss Lungobier said blankly.

"Indicate what?"

An ominous thought flashed in Yeyueshen's heart. Although Yeyueshen didn't believe it, he had to believe it!

"Explain, the state of war that the two countries have entered!"

Miss Lungobier said weakly, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.


Despite thinking of this possibility, Ye Yueshen still roared excitedly:

"How is this possible! I've only been back from Albion for a few days? I also came back with a friendly letter from Albion to our princess, saying that our two countries have formed an alliance, I believe, how can they come to invade us Woolen cloth?"

"Why is it impossible?"

Miss Lungobier said sullenly:

"The Albion royal family is such a virtue. Before my father died, he just attended Prince Albion's twelfth birthday party! Was he invited to send blessings to the prince at the banquet? The next day... "

Miss Lungobier was halfway through and could not go on, and Ye Luna could only look at the sailboat that was getting closer and closer, not knowing whether to attack or land!

"Maybe the rebels?"

Yeyueshen thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of a possibility, although it might be so small that Yeyueshen thought it was impossible!

"Then go take a look! They've slowed the boat down and must be wondering what you're driving!"

Miss Lungobier suggested.


Ye Yueshen nodded and rushed over quickly. After seeing the flag of the flagship of the Albion sailboat fleet, Miss Lungobier helplessly reminded Yeyue Shendao:

"Look, it's the prince's royal banner, we don't have to doubt it!"

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then turned the plane around and said:

"Since the prince is correct, let's take a look at his actions. If he goes the wrong way, we suddenly attack, I'm afraid it's not good!"


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