Miss Lungobier looked at Louise and replied calmly.

"Uh, what does that mean?"

Louise looked at Miss Lungobier a little excitedly, she could smell a hint of conspiracy in the air.

"I once thought that the princess would successfully inherit the throne, and I would be able to sit back and relax. Now it seems that some people have never given up the attack on us and collapsed!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and nodded, came over and stroked Louise's head, and said:

"If nothing else, we are going to visit the old man who is resting at home. After being dormant for so long, I believe the old man must have obtained a lot of information about us, at least about Miss Lungobier!"

"Intelligence? What intelligence? About Miss Lungobier?"

Louise looked at Ye Luna in surprise, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. Such a pure and kind little girl naturally didn't know the origins of her two companions, and how many unknown stories they had experienced.

"En! Let's talk about this matter at the princess' mansion at night. We must let the princess use the best state to deal with the current crisis. Continued sleeplessness will only make people full of mistakes!"

Ye Luna said, looking up at Miss Lungobier.

"No problem, I'll confess at that time!"

Miss Lungobier nodded to Luna, then squatted down and said to Louise:

"Let's go visit the old man now. If nothing else happens, I will help the principal to clean up a few people!"

"Who's cleaning up?"

Louise looked curiously at Miss Lungobier who was squatting in front of her. It was the first time she saw Miss Lungobier from this perspective. Sure enough, the Principal still liked the feeling of being big.

"You'll know then! Would you like to follow me to find Lord Sri Clarence?"

Ye Luna said with a smile while stroking Louise's hair.

"Duke of Sri Clarence? Is that the second grandfather of the Princess?"

Louise turned her head and looked up at Ye Luna, only to see his chin, the round chin gave a sexy feeling.

"En, it's the duke who has a good relationship with me!"

Ye Luna lowered her eyes and looked at Louise and nodded, not seeing the black line on Miss Lungobier's forehead at all.

"Then let's go, it's more noticeable here!"

Miss Lungobier stood up and said sternly to Yeyueshen.


Ye Yueshen smiled, then took Louise's hand and walked outside Miyagi!

"It's more noticeable this way..."

While Louise smiled sweetly in her heart, she muttered silently on her lips.

"Don't worry, our appearance has already attracted people's attention. I believe that the old man already knows the news of our coming here, and maybe he has arranged someone to stumble us!"

Ye Luna turned back and smiled at Louise, with a sunny smile hanging on his face, as if he was talking about a trivial matter of going out for an outing!

"But everything is as you expected!"

Miss Lungobier opened the carriage door with a smile, let Louise and Luna into the carriage, and then consciously sat in front of the carriage, wheeled her whip, and let the carriage gallop on the broad avenues of the capital of Torristin.

"Why is there a handkerchief in this position?"

Louise held a handkerchief embroidered with Butterfly Love Flowers in her hand from below her seat, and looked at Ye Luna with curiosity. Tears welled up during the exercise, as if there was a possibility that the embankment might burst.

"Uh, this may have been left by Miss Lungobier when she was sitting here just now..."

Ye Luna smiled awkwardly, then opened the curtain next to it and asked Miss Lungobier:

"Are you going to the Duke's mansion now?"

"Probably need to continue to move forward for about five minutes..."

Miss Lungobier turned her head and said, her eyes inevitably seeing the handkerchief that Louise was holding in her hand, which she had embroidered on the road.

"Then hurry up!"

Ye Yueshen responded in a deep voice, flicked his fingers lightly, and pressed hard against the wheels on the ground, followed by a whirlwind, and a huge dust appeared on the back of the carriage, galloping away into the distance!

"It's coming so soon!"

Louise looked at the change of scenery outside the window in surprise, and with a sigh, she saw Ye Yueshen open the door of the carriage, walked down first, and then stretched out a friendly arm to herself.

"Yes, please, my little princess!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, and then helped Louise to the ground with the back of his hand.

"This might be for you!"

Louise put the handkerchief in front of Luna, with a look of unwillingness in her eyes.


Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, but still accepted the handkerchief. At this time, it would be too hypocritical to ask Miss Lungobier if she embroidered it for herself.

"Let's go!"

Miss Lungobier put the carriage away and came over.

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