"I promise!"

Ye Yueshen nodded to the Lord and said in a deep voice.

"Let's go!"

The old man seemed a little impatient, waved at Ye Yueshen, and entered his inner room alone.

"Close the door!"

When Ye Yueshen came in, the old man sat in front of the table without raising his head.

"Do you want to be so nervous?"

With a smile on Ye Yueshen's face, being able to enter the Duke's room, Ye Yueshen felt that he was not far from success.

"No, you're just too excited!"

The old man still didn't look up, but his tone was still so gloomy, with a trace of unwillingness.

"No, I'm not a schadenfreude!"

Yeyueshen came over and sat in front of the old man. It was the first time he came to the old man's room. Yeyueshen thought that this place would be like the outside. Among them, there is nothing but a desk and documents on it, and there is not even a decorative oil painting on the wall!

"You don't need to say all of this, just tell me how you know that Paburi is my bloodline! No one has known about this for more than [-] years!"

The old man looked up at Yeyueshen and interrupted Yeyueshen's visit to his room. For some reason, when others visited his room, the old man always felt very irritable and seemed to be worried about something.

"Of course this is what I observed slowly!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the old man confidently, smiled and said:

"Think about it, an old man in the west of the mountains suddenly wanted to become the king of a country, but he has no descendants. Why do you think this is? Could it be that the temptation of power is so great that it can make a person suppressed for dozens of times? The old man, suddenly want to do something? I think there must be a secret!"

"Can you be more clear?"

The old man fiddled with the pen in his hand and seemed very anxious.

"To be clear, I always see in your eyes that kind of hatred for Lord Pabley. Obviously, if it's just an uncle and nephew relationship, that kind of look can't be explained!"

"What about the others? Did they see it too?"

The old man suddenly leaned forward and looked at Yeyueshen nervously. Since Yeyueshen could see his feelings for Pabuli, what about the others?

"Probably not!"

Ye Yueshen sat in front of the stool and said calmly:

"In this country, the people who can speak without bowing their heads in front of you may be the few people like me and Her Lady Queen. The rest of the people see you with such respect. Not many people have observed this emotion for the first time!"

"That's good!"

As if a stone had fallen to the ground, the old man sat back in his seat again, his eyes regained confidence, and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Then what do you want from me? Old man, I am the one who wants to be buried!"

"If you've always spoken so kindly and kindly, I guess my job is now yours!"

Ye Yueshen whispered softly, sat up straight, and said to the old man:

"First of all, I can guarantee on behalf of the Princess that as long as your nephew does not start a rebellion, then we will not deprive him of his title and title, you can rest assured!"


The old man raised his hand to interrupt Ye Yueshen's words and said:

"Not only these, I also demand that after my death, my nephew must inherit my title and title. A lord will make his descendants lack the dignity of a noble!"

"Okay, I can also report to Her Lady Queen!"

Ye Yueshen nodded in agreement, then lowered his head to think for a while, then raised his head again, looking into the eyes of the old man with interest and said:

"But don't you think that if you do that, the secret between you and Lord Pabley will be made public?"

"I was dead at that time, and I still care what these things do!"

The old man said in a hoarse voice, his eyes looking at Ye Yueshen were full of jokes, as if he was mocking Ye Yueshen for being too meticulous!

"Well, since you don't mind, I believe that Princess Princess doesn't mind either!"

Night Moon God nodded and said:

"Since we can meet your conditions, can you give me a copy of the list I want?"

"What list?"

The old man looked at Yeyueshen with some doubts, he never promised Yeyueshen what list he would give him!

"Of course it's those nobles who harbor deep resentment towards Her Lady Queen in unknown places!"

"That's too much!"

The old man smiled casually, waved to Yeyueshen and said:

"When everyone has ambitions, Her Lady Queen cannot satisfy everyone, there are too many grudges!"

"Then write down the names of those who hold military power first!"

Ye Yueshen tapped the desktop and said lightly.

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