"I'm afraid these people also know that they are the targets of suspicion. If they fight well, I may save their lives. If they dare to take the opportunity to do something they shouldn't do, we just rightly suppress them. Doesn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

"But what about their army?"

Queen Anrietta still looked at Ye Luna uneasy. After all, if the army is gone, it will weaken Torristin's military strength!

"I'll try my best to save them!"

Speaking of those soldiers, Ye Yueshen's heart is also bleak. Although he is the existence of the gods, his heart is unpredictable. Really important!

"All right……"

After hearing Ye Yueshen's reply, Queen Anrietta didn't want to say anything more. Ye Yueshen had done enough, and no one could guarantee that everything would be solved in a perfect way!

"Then I'll go to rest. You guys should rest early. It's already midnight. The two of you have been busy making a battle plan, and you haven't even eaten your meals. It's hard for you!"

Queen Enrietta looked at Ye Luna with an apologetic expression, her tone was gentle, as if a breeze was blowing Ye Luna's eardrums.

"Don't worry, I will take Miss Lungobier to eat dinner with Duke Barryall!"

Ye Yueshen smiled heartily at Her Lady Queen, then took the plan in front of the table, and squeezed it lightly, the plan turned into a small pendant and appeared in Ye Luna's hand, Looking at this small pendant, she said to Queen Anrietta:

"This battle plan is top secret, you'd better take it with you!"

When Queen Anrietta saw the small pendant handed to her by Ye Luna, she immediately felt a lot of magic.

"Is that what those parchments are made of?"

"That's right..."

Ye Luna didn't want to explain too much, so he walked Green to Enrietta, and then took the hungry Miss Lungobier out of Miyagi.

After leaving Miyagi, Miss Lungobier stopped Ye Luna and asked:

"Why didn't you ask Her Lady Queen for leave just now? Don't I have to go to King Goliath tomorrow to be an envoy?"

"Because you are my secretary, it should be my decision whether you stay or go!"

Ye Luna turned around and smiled at Miss Lungobier, then opened the carriage, asked Miss Lungobier to get on the carriage, and then came to a special building without a word.

"Didn't you say you're going to the Duke of Barry's house for a meal? How did you get here? Where is this place?"

When Miss Lungobier got off the carriage, she found that a pure white building appeared in front of her. The second floor was still lit with lights that were soft like candlelight.

"It's so late, why are you embarrassed to trouble others?"

Ye Yueshen said, took Miss Lungobier's hand, and Shi Shiran walked into this independent building...

Chapter 1 Personal Visit (5/[-])

Under the faint candlelight, there were the shadows of Ye Luna and Miss Lungobier. At this time, the double moon had risen into the air, and the magnificent capital of Torristin had fallen silent.

"Do you like this room?"

Yeyueshen sat in front of the candlelight, quietly looking at Miss Lungobier in front of him, at this time Yeyueshen's eyes were full of tenderness.

"Very good, I don't know what the principal meant by bringing me here?"

Miss Lungobier responded indifferently, there was a prepared candlelight dinner in front of her, but unfortunately in Miss Lungobier's eyes, it seemed as if it didn't exist.

"It seems that you have a deep grudge in your heart!"

Ye Yueshen sighed slightly, raised the wine bottle in his hand, and poured a glass of good brandy for Miss Lungobier. Since he came to this world, Ye Yueshen has not been drinking with anyone.

"You know all about it?"

Miss Lungobier was slightly surprised, she never said anything, but the eyes of the person in front of her told her that he knew his past.

"Forget it, but you were still young at that time, so you shouldn't be very impressed!"

Ye Yueshen picked up the wine bottle and filled the glass in front of him. Although this kind of goblet is elegant, Ye Yueshen likes to drink it after filling it up. That kind of invigorating feeling makes people fascinated.

"so what?"

Miss Lungobier took a sip of the drink in front of him, Ye Yueshen was too full, as if he was planning to get himself drunk, but unfortunately, he didn't know how much he was drinking.

"So, someone must be repeating your original memory in front of you, am I right?"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Miss Lungobier, and he could only see the vision in other people's hearts, but no one could guarantee that the vision in people's hearts was true, after all, everyone has imagination.


Miss Lungobier categorically refused, staring at her almond eyes, looking at Ye Luna with some anger, if in the past, if anyone talked about his memories in front of her, Miss Lungobier would definitely make him lose his ability to speak. !

"what is that?"

Ye Luna was very curious, and slowly stood up from her seat and looked at Miss Lungobier. From the moment she entered this room, Miss Lungobier had no intention of sitting down.

"It's my wild thoughts!"

Miss Lungobier also confessed that she did not hide anything. Since her father died, the brilliant candlelight that night has become Miss Lungobier's eternal nightmare. In her sleep, when she is in a daze, it keeps appearing and strengthening.

"All right!"

Ye Luna stopped his footsteps, and he was close enough to Miss Lungobier that he could even hear her breathing.The sound of breathing revealed unease and nervousness. In the past, Miss Lungobier hid it well, but in front of the dim candlelight, Miss Lungobier couldn't hold back that feeling.

"You need a good rest!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier, put her hand on Miss Lungobier's white shoulders, and then exerted a little force. Miss Lungobier, who was still tasting the wine just now, was already lying on the ground. In the arms of the night moon god.

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