"Let me go with you, my mother is here, and I miss Louise and the others very much!"

"All right!"

Ye Luna nodded, said goodbye to Tabatha's mother and other ministers, and came to the sky above Torristin with Tabasa on the flying dragon.

Ye Luna also showed his time-locking skills in front of Tabasa for the first time, which made the little girl amazed again and again.

When she came to the door of the night moon god, Tabasa stopped and said:

"Just go in, I'll be waiting outside the door!"


Ye Yueshen did not refuse, nodded and entered the room, while Tabasa paced alone in the yard outside the door.

As soon as Ye Luna entered the room, she saw Miss Lungobier standing alone on the dresser in the room, combing her hair skillfully, while Louise was still lying on the bed, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

"You're all up, is Louise still sleeping?"

"Yeah, this girl can't wake up no matter what she calls, so I didn't disturb her dream!"

Miss Lungobier nodded, then lifted the curtain covering the bed, revealing Louise sleeping inside, and said:

"Louise was breathing heavily when she first fell asleep, but now she has no sound, which is strange."

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen was very surprised, and hurriedly walked to Louise, took a closer look, and was so frightened that he stepped back two steps before standing still.

"what happened to you?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Yeyueshen in surprise. After being with Yeyueshen for so long, it was the first time she saw Yeyueshen can be so surprised!


Ye Yueshen paused and said, but his eyes were fixed on Louise's body. At this time, Ye Yueshen had already seen that Louise's whole body was wrapped in a black substance, and this substance, It is a dark substance that will never appear in this world!

"Master Principal, come out!"

An exclamation came, Ye Yueshen looked back, only to find that Tabasha rushed in from outside, his eyes full of horror!

"what happened?"

Ye Yueshen asked as calmly as possible, but his frowning brows did not loosen at all!

"Look at the sun outside!"

Tabassa shouted, Ye Luna hurriedly got up and rushed out. Looking up, the sun, which was slowly falling in the west at this time, radiated a dark purple light, and the center of the entire sun was black, pitch black, as if There was a big gap in the sky!


Ye Yueshen let out a secret cry, hurried back to the room, picked up Louise's body, put it in the air, and then pressed her neck and navel with both hands, exerting force together, both hands emitted a golden light, and placed Louise's body on her body. material force retreat!

"What happened to Louise?"

Tabassa asked worriedly. She was very talented and could see the light flowing out of Ye Moon God's hand, while Miss Lungobier rushed to tell Her Lady Queen!

"Look and talk!"

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from his head and put Louise back on the bed. After a while, Louise slowly opened her eyes. Ye Yueshen was about to be surprised when Louise's confession suddenly turned black again. material to come!

"Can't stay in this place!"

Ye Yueshen let out a low roar, hurriedly picked up Louise, and left the mansion with Tabasa and the servants in the mansion, and then used his own sealing technique to seal the entire mansion.

At this time, Queen Enrietta, who got the news, also rushed over. Ye Yueshen saw Her Lady Queen and quickly explained:

"My Lady Queen, a dark substance leaked into this world, I'm afraid I have to leave here!"


Tabassa screamed, she is now a queen, and she should be able to be with Ye Luna...

"About my identity, Her Lady Queen will tell you. Now that I have sealed this place, don't let anyone approach me. Now I'm going to leave here and find out the reason for this!"

After that, Ye Luna, Tabasa, Lungobier, and Louise, who had just woken up from danger, said goodbye. Looking at the three girls who were crying to death, Ye Luna could only say helplessly:

"I'm responsible for everything I create, everyone, I'm sorry!"

After speaking, Ye Luna stopped time, left the world full of magic, stopped in the universe, set Torristine's time, and then traveled in the vast universe of life.

Following the clue of the black sun, Ye Shenyue came to the universe, locked the stars, and looked at the stars one by one and found that many planets were disturbed, and some were just slightly invaded like Torristin. There were no major problems, but some planets were directly fused with several other planets because of the power of interference.There are inseparable and intermingled phenomena that can collapse if left untreated.

However, there are not many mixed phenomena, only about three.Emitting different lights, one mixed planet is black, one is shining bright, and one is pink.

They represent the fusion world of the dark series, the fusion world of the light series, and the fusion world of the new series.

"Strange, the world is fine, why does it collapse?"

While Yeyueshen restores those planets that have little impact, he strips out the mixed planets to avoid more confusion, but more importantly, Yeyueshen needs to find the root cause of the collapse!

With the passage of time, Yeyueshen peeled off the stars hidden behind the interstellar nebula mist. In order to facilitate management, Yeyueshen also created new nebula enchantments to arrange these galaxies. The time is at Yeyue. God's tireless work passed, until one day, when Ye Luna found the last black sun, he discovered a planet that was about to be destroyed from behind the sun!

"It's already reached this point! It's scary!"

Ye Yueshen stared at this planet nervously, stretched out... his hands, and wanted to restore it with his own strength, but unexpectedly, his strength was offset by a mysterious force!

"It seems that this is the source! It can absorb and offset energy!"

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