"Brother must be starving, I'll bring the meal here!"

"Uh, good!"

Ye Yueshen agreed, shaking his head, always feeling that something was wrong.

Ps. This is a combination of seven and eight chapters.

Chapter [-] Black Sun Reappears

"who are you?"

Ye Yueshen held the spoon and looked coldly at the Haruhi Saint in front of him.

"Brother, what are you saying? I'm your sister?"

Kasuga Sheng looked at Ye Yueshen with a surprised expression, his expression and movements were no different from the previous holy steps!

"No! You are not! You are not holy!"

Ye Yueshen stared at Haruhi Sage in front of him and said with certainty.

"What's wrong?"

The Haruhi Sage in front of him was obviously stunned by Yeyueshen's firm eyes, and he stopped arguing!


Ye Yueshen spit out two words, and suddenly, Haruhi Sage in front of him clenched his fists, and it took a long time to dissipate the black line on his head.

"Can you say something reliable? This is just a guess!"

As Haruhi Sage spoke, he sat carelessly on the tatami in front of Yeyueshen with a casual look on his face.


Night Moon God shook his head and said:

"The previous saint had a special body fragrance, which smelled very comfortable, but you are different!!"

"You are really watching carefully!"

The Haruhi Saint in front of him stroked his hair and said:

"I restored the whole world according to the saint, but I didn't expect you to discover this. How about it? Are you still planning to live in this virtual world? This is what I restored with my own hands!"

"Then who are you?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the saint in front of him curiously. This girl's personality is a little more perverse than that of the saint.

"Of course I am the magic book left by the saint for you!"

The little girl said calmly:

"You were about to die of sadness at that time, so I restored the world according to your ideas, and as a result, you were actually dissatisfied, so speechless!"

"What about Saint?"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly asked, the magic book in front of him seemed to know everything!

"Don't worry, she's not dead, or I can't exist, right?"

The magic book stood up and said naturally:

"It's just that there are many people in this world to face, unfortunately, because in order to build the world in your heart, the saint did not resist the impact of the magic power, and was tied to the previous world plane, stay me accompany you?"

"Then how am I supposed to find her?"

Ye Yueshen hurriedly asked, since the magic book said it so easily, Ye Yueshen felt that she must have a solution!

"That's hard!"

The Magic Book shook his head and said:

"Do you know? This world is collapsing, whether it can exist or not is one thing, how do I know if you can find her?"

"I'm willing to give everything!"

Yeyueshen said in a deep voice, at first, Yeyueshen just wanted to know the reason for the collapse of this world, but now, Yeyueshen feels that he still has more important things to do!

"Okay, let me think about it!"

Seeing that Ye Yueshen was so serious, the magic book crossed his legs, used his brain, and started to think.

Soon, Ye Yueshen screamed from the room:

"What? What are you kidding? You forgot? Aren't you an almighty magic book?"

"Hey, hey, I never said that I am omnipotent, I'm just a magic book, understand? It's just a book, how can I know everything? And the previous masters used me to prompt Demons, who ever thought of saving people!"

After finishing speaking, the magic book looked at Ye Yueshen with a proud face and said:

"What? Are you still planning to eat me? Let's eat first! I'll probably remember after eating!"

After speaking, under Ye Yueshen's stunned gaze, he really sat down to eat!

"Uh, I said, do you already look like Saint?"

Ye Yueshen asked curiously.

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