When the red-haired girl heard this, she was slightly taken aback, jumped off the broken wall with her sniper rifle in her arms, and said:

"My name is Asama Lilith!"

Having said that, he raised his gun and came to Yeyueshen. It was also at this time that Yeyueshen took a careful look at the girl who he regarded as an illusion:

Under the maroon hair, there are a pair of big eyes with single-framed eyes, long eyelashes and XingGan's lips, telling Ye Luna that this wizard is at least sixteen years old, and the tight clothes tell Ye Luna. Ye Yueshen, she is an excellent fighter, and a fighter with a good figure!

After seeing Lilith Asama's outfit, Ye Yueshen couldn't help but point out his finger to Asami's nose and said:

"What's the matter with your horrible outfit?"

Upon hearing it, he said in a deep voice:

"As you can see, it's a wizard's combat equipment."

"A sorcerer?"

Yeyueshen lowered his arms curiously and looked at the shallow view in front of him curiously. It wasn't because Yeyueshen was lustful, but it was the first time that Yeyueshen discovered that he had not yet understood the structure of this world. Every world has Different basic structures, like the world where Louise lives, is the structure of magic. Of course, the world built by wealth, but such a world has long been suffocated by wealth!

Hearing the magic book next to him, he lowered his head and smiled, and said:

"Actually, you have noticed it..."

Saying that, the magic book raised his right hand, snapped his fingers on the top of his head, and followed, the world that had not been restored to its original appearance just now removed its disguise, revealing its dilapidated original appearance:

The classrooms that were tidy just now turned into dilapidated houses made of rust and rubble in an instant; the playground that looked like new just now is now piled up with ashes and crumbling; the streets that were tidy just now, in an instant There are only cracked roads, withered roadside trees, and broken grass with only a few dead branches left; the whole world seems to have been abandoned for a hundred years, or more like it was polluted by a nuclear explosion. The appearance after the death is terrifying and dilapidated, as if human beings have never lived here!

Looking at this scene, Yeyueshen couldn't help but sighed with emotion:

"This is the terrifying collapse. All living beings no longer exist. If such a situation happens everywhere, the entire universe may not be spared!"

Ye Yueshen sighed with emotion, and Qian Jian next to him could not help but glance at Ye Yueshen in surprise. The whole young man who looked weak, but what he said made people admire.

The magic book next to him smiled slightly and explained:

"Yeah, Honkai is so terrifying, this ChiLuo's naked display has nothing to do with horror or gloom, but it is the biggest horror!"

After the magic book was finished, Asami nodded slightly and said:

"About ten days ago, an unexplained large-scale gravitational shock was observed in this area. We call it the collapse phenomenon, but it disappeared later, which is surprising, but now this town is swallowed by the gravitational field, which has become It looks like it is now, but I didn't expect that you two seem to know the dangers of this thing better than us!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he covered his head. Wasn't that the time he first came here to fight the Demon King in Kasuga Shin's body ten days ago?said:

"This is natural. If I didn't want to find my sister from the crack in time and space, I'm afraid I would have left here long ago! And the world just now happened to be created by the magic book."

The magic book said to Asami on the side:

"Yeah, all of this was created by my new master, I'm just a tool for his wish! Unfortunately, the terrifying black sun still appeared, and the whole town was about to be devoured, and we were about to leave. , you are here!"

Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, and said:

"I'm also very surprised. In order to investigate this collapse phenomenon, the academy sent me here, but I found out that a town appeared out of thin air in a place that was supposed to be a ruin!"

Hearing the magic book, he clasped his hands in front of xiong with a surprised smile on his face:

"It's all a little easy for me! Understand?"

As soon as Lilith heard it, she stretched out her hand, loaded her sniper rifle, and said:

"It's a dangerous magic book. If it fails, the collapse will only intensify!"

Saying that, Asami raised his gun, pointed it at the magic book, and said angrily:

"And! To actually create another world! This kind of thing, ordinary magic books can't do!"

Saying that, Asami gently swung the gun down, and the muzzle was actually aimed at the temple of Ye Yueshen!Holding the gun sideways in one hand, he said to Ye Luna:

"Choose it, Night Moon God!"

"Choose what?"

Ye Yueshen stood up, looked at Qian Jian through the muzzle of the gun, and was pointed at by a gun, this was the first time for Ye Yueshen!

"One, let the magic book release this world now, in this case, I can guarantee that you can continue to live in peace, but the magic book is handled by us! About the memory of your sister Kasuga, and those of the previous people. Memories, will be erased, so as not to let you live in pain!"

"What about two?"

Ye Yueshen asked calmly.

"Second, if you don't hand over the magic book, you will die here now! Because the person who created this world is none other than you!"

Ye Yueshen listened, the corner of his mouth curled into a smile, and he said with a soft laugh:

"If you want to live, you have to forget everyone? You have to forget my sister, you have to forget the pain you once had, and then live like a walking corpse, and then die without anyone knowing, is this what you said, so as not to live in pain? "

Chapter [-] The Reflection of the Holy Spirit

"I made a decision!"

Ye Yueshen raised his hand, moved the muzzle in front of him to one side, and looked at Lilith Asama confidently:

"I won't give you the magic book!"


Seeing Lilith surprised for a moment, the hand holding the gun couldn't help shaking:


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