"Levy in the wind didn't let you have a few tricks?"

Lilith looked at Ye Luna who was catching up quickly, and asked curiously.

"Uh, no! We just said a few words to each other, and then we parted!"

Night Moon God shook his head and said.

"Really? It seems that you listen to harmony!"

Lilith smiled, then took a few steps forward, and suddenly stopped!

"Uh, what's wrong?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lilith curiously. At this time, there were obviously more people on the corridor. It seemed that the children had already finished class!

"Are you two talking bad about me?"

Lilith said in a low voice, looking at Ye Yueshen, as if she wanted to ask something!

"Uh, no, absolutely not!"

Ye Yueshen quickly waved his hand and said:

"How could we possibly speak ill of you behind your back?"

When Lilith heard this, she nodded secretly, put her finger on Ye Luna's chest and tapped it a few times.said:

"Remember, here, I am the teacher and you are the student!"

"Uh, understand!"

Ye Yueshen smiled reluctantly, and only then did he realize that he was a student, not the controller here. You must know that in the previous world, Ye Yueshen was also the leader of a school!

"Sure enough, the world is different!"

Yeyueshen sighed silently in her heart. Lilith nodded when she saw that Yeyueshen was no longer teasing herself, and continued to lead Yeyueshen forward.

"By the way, I also asked about Maitreya, but Kazama said it's better not to go, why is that?"

Seeing that there were fewer people on both sides, Ye Yueshen asked curiously with his head resting on his head.

"Uh, this..."

Lilith was stunned, stopped, and was about to say something when she heard a gust of wind blowing behind her...

Chapter [-] The Devil's Factor

"Master Demon King Candidate! You are here!"

Serena's voice came from afar, Ye Yueshen and Asami just turned around when they saw Serena with sunglasses running to their side!

"Hello! Serena!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Serena with admiration, picked up the flyer in his hand, and said to Serena:

"It should be all your credit!"

"It's a small matter, no thanks!"

Serena laughed, turned to Asami Lilith and said:

"Is Lilith-sensei already with the Demon Lord Candidate?"

"Uh, that's it! Is there a problem?"

Qian Jian looked at Serena nervously, and pouted at Ye Yueshen!

"No problem! Did you tell the Demon King candidate about the magic power?"

Serena looked at Asami curiously. I don't know when, a delicate notebook and a pen that has always been black have appeared in the little girl's hand!

"Uh, this one!"

Asami Lilith thought, raised her head and put her hand on her lips, as if she was thinking about something!

"It's still worth thinking about!"

Yeyueshen looked at him helplessly beside him, shook his head and said:

"I'm sure I didn't say it. How could Qianmi tell me such a superfluous thing?"

"How can it be redundant?"

Serena looked at Ye Luna with a look of surprise and said loudly:

"This is basic common sense, you can't help but know it!"

"Selina, I will tell Ye Yueshen in class, you don't have to be so active!"

Qian Jian looked at Selina helplessly, this little girl's curiosity is too heavy!

"Then let me tell the Demon King candidate!"

Selina showed her little tiger teeth and said happily:

"There will be a lot of collapse in this world, and a large part of it is caused by the demon king candidate. The evil magician has obtained the demon king factor, obtained powerful magic power and abused it and finally caused the collapse phenomenon."

"Good standard answer!"

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