"Is it very similar?"

Yeyueshen lowered his eyes and said sadly, after coming to this world, what Yeyueshen cared about most might be the saint.

"Even if they look the same, they are completely different inside!"

The magic book said casually:

"Speaking of which, knowing this is also a gain, isn't it?"

"Ah, yes!"

Ye Yueshen raised his eyes and looked at Eileen, who had calmed down a lot, and said silently:

"But ah, I think Erin must have something to do with Sheng, it must be like this."

Saying that, Ye Yueshen slowly walked to the window, looked at the silent night sky outside, and thought silently:

"There are also seven people in the magic book. For me, it will be very Sino-Australian positioning, I think so."

At this moment, a sharp cry came from behind Yeyueshen:


Ye Yueshen heard the words, turned around, and saw Qian Jian shouting loudly to Erin beside the bed:

"Put on your pants!"

Ye Yueshen heard the words and saw that Irene was actually sitting beside the bed wearing a top.


Aileen responded helplessly, and then quickly dressed, pointed at Ye Yueshen and said:

"Are you here today, called Yeyueshen?"

After finishing speaking, I also took out a flyer printed by Serena and looked carefully!

"Uh, it's me, my name is Yeyueshen, please take care of me!"

Yeyueshen was stunned for a moment, and then bowed to Shenwuyue Irene. After all, Yeyueshen needs to perceive the collapse of this world through Irene, and find a solution. This is a little etiquette. , Yeyueshen is not bad for it!

"Ah! Erin, you can't be like this, you know?"

Qian Jian looked at Erin helplessly, pointed at Ye Yueshen and said:

"This is the only male student in our college now, so..."

"Can I possess you?"

Ai Lin suddenly stood up from the bed and walked in front of Ye Yueshen, her eyes still had the same faint expression, but it seemed that there was something different!


Ye Yueshen stepped back abruptly, his eyes looking at Lilith Asami in front of him as if asking for help!

"Uh, Erin, you can't do this. To be a girl, you have to be disciplined and reserved, so that you can..."

Qian Jian looked at Ye Yueshen with some embarrassment and tried to persuade Ai Lin, but looking at Ai Lin's lifeless eyes, Qian Jian felt that he had kicked the steel plate, was useless, and looked ridiculous?

"Should I interfere with Erin's behavior?"

Qian Jian looked at Ai Lin in front of him helplessly. After thinking for a while, he still stretched out his hand to pull Ai Lin back from the front of Ye Yueshen, let her sit on the bed, and said earnestly:

"If it doesn't work, you'd better sit down and talk to Yeyueshen, that's more appropriate!"

"Shouldn't the teacher go to the girls' dormitory to check the bed?"

Erin looked at Qian Jian curiously, and a faint smile appeared on her face like gold!

"Wow, teacher! Lilith is Erin's teacher?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the two of them in surprise and said:

"Aren't you all from the Seven Magic Books? Why is Erin a student of Lilith?"

"Humph! That's because I work hard the most!"

Qian Jian stood up a little unhappy, and said with an angry face:

"You can question my age, but you can't question my identity and talent!"

"In other words, you admit that you are older?"

Night Moon God said silently...

Chapter [-] Marriage Contract

"What an arrogant guy!"

Lilith looked at Ye Yueshen with a hostile expression, her fingers snapped together, as if she was going to do something dangerous!

Just when Lilith's heart was brewing with anger, Kanwuyue Erin, who was beside her, stood up slowly, lightly pinned the hairpin on her head, then turned around and looked at Yeyue quietly. God, looking at Ye Yueshen with strange eyes:

"Lord Yeyueshen, what do you think of me?"

"pretty good!"

Yeyueshen raised his head and agreed, just because Shenwuyue Irene looks like a little sage, Yeyueshen is still a little dazed, and now I see that Shenwuyue's temper and the enthusiastic little sage are almost two extremes. Luna also let go of the care in his heart and calmed down a lot.

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