"Long live!"

Kong'er screamed loudly, then broke his chain again, and then frantically turned over the paper on his body, and said to Ye Yueshen at the same time:

"Determine your heart, existence itself, essence, meaning of soul, this is domination! My master! This is in the library of arrogance, where Attisl's manuscript makes a covenant with the master!"


Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, calmly placed the magic book in the air, and then said in a deep voice:

"Connect the arrogant library, execute the theme!"

In an instant, a whirlwind wrapped around Yeyueshen's body, and then, Yeyueshen instantly changed into a purple and gold-edged combat outfit. Much faster, Yeyueshen put on this magician's battle costume at once!

"How? A new mage mode?"

Lilith looked at Yeyueshen incredulously. When Yeyueshen was transformed last time, no one saw Yeyueshen's form change because of Aqio's attack.

"Control all the magic that exists here! Then destroy it, Astir's Manuscript!"

Ye Yueshen said loudly, and a strong determination also burst out at this moment!

"Okay! Master!"

Sora loudly agreed, the magic book unfolded instantly, and the dominant theme was carried out!

"I don't care if you are Kokai or something else, in short, the magic power that fills this place, disappear for me!"

The moment Ye Yueshen shouted, the entire Magic Academy suddenly changed dramatically. The blue aperture Mila built with her own magic power suddenly disappeared, and the crazy collapses outside suddenly stopped. Mila used up countless magic power to pump. The neutralizing feathers that came out also immediately returned to the crystal ball at this moment!

Of course, at that moment, Ye Yueshen's ears were not filled with the tranquility of the evil collapse and disappearance, but the sound of large pieces of clothes being torn. The sound was like suddenly holding a knife. As soon as he came to the cloth shop, the crazy tearing sound filled the ears of the night moon god without limit!


Lilith's scream was the first to come out, and when she saw the clothes on her body disappear, Lilith's voice was pulled to the highest level!


Erin's calm voice came, and Ye Yueshen took a closer look, only to realize that it was Erin who was learning Lilith's scream, even though she just read it out!

"But... it's abominable... it's extremely abominable!"

She trembled and watched her clothes disappear. She originally planned to use her crystal ball to cancel out the magic from Yeyueshen, but because of Yeyueshen's magic book, Liang's neutralizing feathers were replaced, so she didn't have time to take care of it. In an instant, Mila, who had hoped to survive the disaster, could only watch her body helplessly, so she was watched by Ye Yueshen!

"It's amazing, to forcibly cancel the magician mode!"

Irene was slightly surprised, and then said to Ye Yueshen with a calm expression:

"As expected of my husband, that's awesome!"

"Uh, is this a compliment?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Ai Lin with some embarrassment. Every time she saw Ai Lin, she always felt that she was tasting a salted duck without salt, and she couldn't eat it at all!

"Now is not the time to say that!"

Lilith shouted, pulled Erin around and squatted down, as if she wanted Ye Luna to forget what she saw just now!

"Bloody messenger!"

Kong'er's voice suddenly sounded, Ye Yueshen was stunned, only to realize that his magic book was also standing naked behind him!

"Uh, Kong'er, you caused all of this, why should you be involved!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Kong'er a little embarrassedly. Although Kong'er was indeed beautiful, Ye Yueshen still wanted to be called a hero when he successfully prevented the collapse at this moment!This title is really...

"Darling, you are great!"

Aileen casually put on a dress for herself and came to the night moon god.

"That is, I didn't expect your husband and I to be able to stop the collapse!"

Ye Yueshen smiled proudly, and then said:

"Let's go to the place where I used to live together. I'll show you the collapse there, and then I'll remove the collapse. Then, I'll definitely be able to find Kong'er back!"

"You think too much!"

Kong'er's voice had a hint of laziness:

"How is it possible? It can be saved now because Miss Mira has been fighting against these collapses, but by the time you get there, there will be no cure, and the power will be irreversible!"

Konger was talking here, and Mira, who had already changed her clothes, came over and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Your current energy can only prevent the elimination of the collapse phenomenon, and there is no way to summon the eliminated Xiaosheng, so you should wait!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and said to Ye Yueshen:

"I'll let you go this time, Demon King candidate, it's hard to say next time!"

After speaking, he silently left the teaching building of the academy and walked towards his library.

"Humph! This time I'm not going to say I'm unclean!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head gently, akimbo, and suddenly, a tearing sound came!Jean Lilith, who was packing her clothes, turned her head and screamed!

"Really, the momentum of the collapse phenomenon did not appear, so sad!"

Aileen's tone was still so calm, but what she said made Ye Yueshen embarrassed for a while:

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