"Right what!"

Lilith said violently:

"Your themes, it seems that everyone can see it, you are dressed as a ninja, and stealth is normal!"


There was a hint of surprise on Ye Yueshen's face, and he said curiously:

"If the theme is anticipation, I don't see that you are very curious!"

"Uh...expectation is not curiosity!"

Kong'er looked at Ye Yueshen helplessly, and said silently:

"Expectation is a soft theme in the library of jealousy, because it requires practitioners to develop a life style with a minimum bottom line for a long time. Therefore, theoretically, people with this theme have no expectations for anything, of course. , a little surprise is normal!"

"No expectations for anything?"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help but look at Kong'er in surprise and said:

"Doesn't that mean that the theme is relative to your own status quo?"


Kong'er snapped his fingers at Ye Yueshen and said:

"Just like you, although the theme is control, it seems that everything around you is often in a state of out of control!"

"Uh, do you want to tell the truth!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Kong'er with some embarrassment, and said silently:

"It seems that my magic book is the same as my master. They don't control themselves very much, and they say such things to the master!"

"Uh, who made you my master!"

Kong'er smiled, and in a blink of an eye, he turned back into the magic book, and lay on the hands of Ye Yueshen!

"Then Mr. Lilith! What is your topic about?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lilith with a little curiosity, and the corners of his mouth began to smile. Everything in this world is so interesting. Although Ye Yueshen came to save the world at first, he looked at these lovely and responsible magicians. We, Yeyueshen slowly began to appreciate this world full of crises in his heart!

"No way!"

Lilith nervously hugged the two big balls in front of her, and hurriedly turned around and said:

"Now is not the time to say that, right!"

"Just asking!"

Ye Yueshen shrugged and said easily:

"Of course, if you don't plan to say it, I won't force it!"


Lilith turned around and looked at Yeyueshen in surprise. It seemed that if Yeyueshen didn't ask this question, she would have been treated with much courtesy!


Ye Yueshen smiled, turned around gently, and looked at Lei Min in Fengjian, who was preparing his hands, and Aileen with empty eyes, and said lightly:

"I can also ask these two companions! Is that right!"


There was a hint of slyness in Lei Min's eyes:

"Anyway, I'll always know. Lilith's own words, I think it will be better, what do you think?"


Lilith looked at the three people in front of her, Ye Yueshen had a handsome face, but was so interested in other people's privacy, and Lei Min in the wind seemed to be planning to tell his own secrets. As for love Lin, Lilith shook her head in her heart, knowing that as long as Ye Yueshen asked, Erin would definitely say it!

Thinking of this, Lilith suddenly felt jealous of Erin. Everyone was single at first, but now Yeyueshen, the only male mage student, was taken away. Why was she so reserved in the first place?

"Tell me! Teacher Lilith, your perfect body that we are all jealous of, and your shy demeanor, when you show it in front of Ye Moon God, it seems to indicate that your previous secrets will no longer be secrets. !"

"Sounds like a speech!"

Ye Yueshen glanced at Lei Min in surprise. For the first time, he realized that he had forced others to tell his secrets in public.

"En, our ninjas are not only killing machines, but also demagogic tools. As long as we stand on a high platform, we will have infinite persuasive power!"

With that said, in front of Ye Yueshen, he waved his samurai sword!

"Uh, okay! I don't have any expectations anyway, so let's go all out."

Ye Yueshen nodded hurriedly, and at this moment, Miss Lilith seemed to have made up her mind, lowered her head gently, let her hair cover her face, and said in a stiff and awkward tone:

"I...my library of the seven deadly sins is...is *yu...but the subject is life! It is life!"


Ye Yueshen stared at Lilith in front of him with wide eyes, his jaw almost dropped in surprise, Lilith's library is actually *yu!It's *yu! ! !

"Do you want to react so much! The emphasis is obviously on life! The theme of life!"

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