"Uh, is this okay?"

Ye Yueshen wiped the sea water on his forehead and said with a saliva!

"I've already thought about it!"

Aileen said lightly in Ye Yueshen's ear, before Ye Yueshen became excited, she went straight to the bed and took off the extra things on her body calmly!

"Do you want this!"

Ye Yueshen was very resistant in his heart, but his body came to the bed very calmly, and when he reached out his hand, he turned off all the lights around him, and then saw a thick fairy tale book suddenly appeared in Yuyi's hand. Immediately following, Ye Yueshen skillfully picked up this bedtime storybook and read it calmly!

"Big brother is awesome!"

Yuyi hugged Yeyueshen's arm excitedly, and then she leaned her body on Yeyueshen's body. Ai Lin, who was next to her, followed suit. Soon, Yeyueshen discovered that she was cute The loli lying on a wooden product is not as perfect as I imagined!

Chapter [-]: Serena's Abnormality


Erin's breathing echoed in Ye Yueshen's ears, and Ye Yueshen had just opened his eyes at this time, slanted his head and glanced at the scenery outside the window, when he saw the red sun, Ye Yueshen felt a lot of peace of mind inexplicably.

"At least this world is not completely over yet! There is still salvation!"

Ye Yueshen thought to himself in his heart, and soon, a slightly hurried knock on the door reached Ye Yueshen's ears!

"Yeyueshen, wake up!"

Lilith's voice came, and immediately, the door was opened!

"Uh, Lilith, you got up so early!"

Yeyueshen looked at Yeyueshen's eyes silently, with an embarrassed expression, he lowered his head to look at Erin and Yuyi, who were leaning against him, among them, Yuyi was still chanting Yeyueshen's name unconsciously.

"Uh. Really...really!"

Lilith took a long time to paint the shock to erase the shock in her heart, and at the same time, Ye Yueshen said lightly:

"What? Shall I wake them both up?"

"do not want!"

Lilith yelled and closed the door, then leaned back against the door and said:

"I asked Serena to meet and talk with you today, you better get up, if you really want to know who the seventh top mage is!"

"Uh, is it?"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help standing up excitedly when he heard the words. Then, he quickly put on his clothes, looked back at Yuyi and Erin who were sleeping soundly, and left his room softly!

"It's over here!"

Lilith nodded, and then took Ye Yueshen along the long corridor. After a while, she came to the back door of the library, and this place is where Ye Yueshen left yesterday!

"It's amazing to have an appointment in the library!"

Ye Yueshen teased softly:

"Isn't the library the quietest place? Why don't you go in?"

"Are you looking for the last mage, or me?"

With a trace of unhappiness, Lilith blocked Yeyueshen from the door and raised her head proudly!

"Okay, okay, thank you, Lilith!"

Ye Yueshen smiled softly, and then his tone became magnetic and became a little low:

"Actually, I've always wanted to thank you. Since I came here, you've been very kind to me. The fact cares about me. I'm really grateful!"

"Uh, why do you suddenly say this..."

Lilith looked at Yeyueshen in surprise. In fact, after she brought Yeyueshen to the dormitory, she regretted it in her heart, but for some reason, when she saw Yeyueshen's smiling face, she felt the softest in her heart. The place will be touched, and the dissatisfaction with the pre-trial will soon disappear!

"Nothing! I just think you've worked so hard!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and added in the play:

"Especially under the leadership of an unreliable principal, if I were back then, I would definitely not have made the secretary work so hard!"

"Then go in!"

After wiping the corner of her eyes, Lilith couldn't help but bow her head and smile at Ye Yueshen, and then led Ye Yueshen to a place on the second floor near the balcony.

When the door was opened, Ye Yueshen discovered that there was actually a long table in the room, which looked more like a conference room!

"This is where the inspectors work, because Mira and Agios are tired these days. They are resting in the dormitory, so they don't need to use this place. I'll bring Serena to me later!"

"A room this big is the office of the inspectors?"

Ye Yueshen asked curiously.


Lilith nodded.

"Then do we have many inspectors?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the chairs in the room, they were neatly arranged, the scale was not small!

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