"Then there's nothing wrong with the bed!",

Yui stretched out her hand, and everyone's eyes were immediately fixed on the bed Serena was sitting on!


Lei Min nodded with certainty and said!

"ok, I get it!"

Yui nodded, turned around, and showed an angelic smile to Ye Yueshen:

"Big brother, you are such a good person!"

"Darling, I have always believed in you!"

Ellie squinted at Yuyi and said lightly!

"Uh, let's not talk about this!"

Night Moon God smiled awkwardly, and then said to Lilith:

"Now, shall we go to the place where Sister Serena disappeared first? I think this should be very helpful to find Serena's sister, and thus my sister!"

"Uh, that place has been sealed since Serena's sister disappeared, and it was sealed by Mila himself!"

Having said that, Lilith pointed at Ye Luna very wisely and sat next to Serena and finished eating rice cakes, with a dignified face of Mira!

"Um, Mila! Can you open that place?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mira with pleading eyes, although the expression on his face was more embarrassing and embarrassing!


Mira nodded, but Yeyueshen was not in a hurry to get excited. Based on Yeyueshen's previous experience, he would definitely add a lot of conditions to the agreement!

"What? Not happy?"

Mira said with a surprised look when Ye Yueshen was still watching her.

"Uh, gone?"

Ye Yueshen's eyes widened involuntarily, what a joke, but he was pretending to be deep and waiting for you to say additional conditions, and he actually waited for this!

"do not have much left?"

Mira looked at Ye Luna in surprise, her eyes looked even more surprised than Ye Luna!

"It's just some additional conditions or something! For example, let me do something for you, and other things..."

Yeyueshen smiled, still looking at Mira, but Yeyueshen had begun to feel that he seemed to be played by his own experience!

"How can... am I that kind of person? I've already said it, and I really want to get justice from that guy! How can I stop you!"

Mila jumped from the bed and stood up, her face twitched with surprise, she never thought that she would be treated as a philistine by this guy!

"Uh, it looks like I misunderstood! I'm sorry!"

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from his head, turned around a little embarrassedly, took Erin's hand and said:

"Eileen, come with me!"

"I also need to go!"

Yui grabbed Ye Yueshen's arm and smiled triumphantly.

"I am coming too!"

Selina also stood up from the bed, her tone was low, but her eyes looking at everyone were extraordinarily firm!


Ye Yueshen nodded to Serena, gave her an encouraging look, and then led everyone out of the room!


Ye Yueshen looked at the corridor in front of him and suddenly stopped in embarrassment!

"You're in such a hurry to leave, do you know where the room is?"

Lilith walked out from behind Night Moon God, shook her head and said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he brought Ye Yueshen and his party to the place where Sister Serena disappeared. Looking at the seal on the room and a copper lock next to it, Ye Yueshen suddenly noticed that Lilith's face was also darkened. The embarrassing expression that appeared!

"You can go so fast without the key to lift the seal, and I don't know what you guys think!"

Mira's voice sounded with a hint of playfulness, while Lilith stood awkwardly in front of the door and whispered:

"Sorry, I was in a hurry just now!"

"You're in a hurry to lead someone's way!"

There was a hint of playfulness at the corner of Mila's mouth. Before Lilith's face flushed, she opened the door. What appeared in front of everyone was a dusty and mottled reading room. On the empty bookshelves, spider webs ran rampant, and the desks for reading were neatly arranged in the room, but there were only two chairs on the ground, but after a closer look, Ye Luna quickly found that two people in the reading room were in the reading room. The chair is actually clean!

"Looks like someone has sneaked into this place!"

Agios looked down at the two clean chairs, with a hint of gloom in her tone.

Chapter [-] Provocation?

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