Erin stood silently on the spot and responded:

"Big brother is hidden, you have skin-to-skin relationship with him, you know it!"

Hearing this, Yaqio's eyes widened.

"That means, your husband is in bed..."

"Do you think now is the time to say this?"

Lilith responded loudly, these people in front of you are really unreliable!

"Then what? You're going to separate them?"

Lei Min held his samurai sword silently. He was ready for a sneak attack just now, but Mila took the lead. Lei Min was very upset!

"They are separated!"

Erin pointed to the top and said, at this time, Ye Yueshen had a relaxed expression on his face, while Lisey in front of him had a grim look on his face!

"What? Not satisfied?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lisai lightly, as if she didn't know anything!

"Why! Why can I only absorb half of your magic power, and why can't the other half be absorbed?"

Lisai looked at Yeyueshen angrily, annoyed for a while, but she couldn't say it. After all, she just absorbed Yeyueshen's magic power!

"Then try harder!"

Yeyueshen responded silently, for such a thing, Yeyueshen really couldn't do anything except shrug his shoulders to express his helplessness!

"I'll try again, if you don't succeed, you'll be finished!"

Lisey said, pursing her lips, with a pair of resentful eyes, she picked up Ye Yueshen's head and kissed it forcefully!

Chapter Sixty

"I still don't believe in evil!"

Lisai looked at Ye Yueshen angrily, and after speaking angrily, she started holding Ye Yueshen's head again and sucked hard!

"They...what the hell are the two of them doing!"

Mila looked up angrily, with doubts in her tone, even if it was absorbing energy, it doesn't need to be like this, these two guys seem to have kissed five or six times!

"Perhaps the big brother's skills are too good, making Lisei unable to extricate himself!"

Yui responded in a serious manner!

"how is this possible!"

Erin's tone was a little disdainful, she looked at the two people kissing on the high platform blankly, and said:

"When I kissed Darling, Darling's lips were still moving, and he couldn't control it. How could he be so skilled!"

"Would you like to talk about such a topic here?"

Lilith looked at Erin shyly, the blush on her face had not subsided from just now!

"Mr. Lilith seems to be shy!"

The best of Lei Min in the wind smiled, holding the samurai sword in his hand, pointing at the high platform, and said:

"I believe Yeyueshen definitely doesn't mind if you go up now!"

"What did you say!"

Lilith took a deep breath, looked at Lei Min in the wind in disbelief, froze for a moment, and then said:

"Isn't this a sneak attack? What if Lisey is not good for Ye Yueshen?"

"I can't see it, you still care about that unclean guy!"

Agios stood next to Mira, grinning.

"No way!"

Lilith glared at Agios, thought about it, and said:

"I thought that you didn't trap Lisei just now. If I go now, I will definitely be found, so don't go!"

"Use your gun!"

Mira's tone suddenly became a lot lower, making people feel a deep chill when they heard it!

"It will be found!"

Lilith's voice trembled a little, and God could tell that the little girl had ten thousand reluctance in her heart!

"Not now!"

Mira's tone contained a hint of command. Before Lilith could react, she said to Yui:

"If Lisey is bad for your big brother later, you have to protect your big brother, like last time!"


Yui stretched out a little finger towards Mi and said:

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