Agios said in disbelief!

"It's possible!"

Fengjian Lei Min nodded silently, what Yeyueshen did was indeed in line with this inference!

"Actually, I like Lolita more!"

Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand and hugged Yuyi stuck to his arm, smiling awkwardly!

"What about us?"

Except for Mira, everyone looked at Ye Moon God, even Lilith stood in front of Ye Moon God with dissatisfaction. Although her voice was small, she still asked with jealousy!

"I like it, I like it all!"

Ye Yueshen looked at everyone speechlessly, the sweat on his head was more than when he faced Lisai just now!

"Then let's see what you're going to do!"

Mira walked in front of the moonlit night and released her crystal ball. White light emanated from the crystal ball, causing Lisey to burst into laughter:

"You six members of the Mage Top Seven, my sister, and a demon king candidate who has lost half of his magic power, do you have this courage now? You actually let Mira turn on the white light of defense, what a laugh kill me!"

"That's just to cooperate with Erin's barrier!"

Mira clenched her fists and said through gritted teeth!

"Unfortunately these are of no use!"

Lisey smiled slightly, relaxed her shoulders, and followed closely, a black whirlwind hit, only to see that everything around Lisey was slowly shrouded in a dark mist, the entire library of Eternal Tribulation seemed to be covered by a tornado. It was shrouded in a shroud, and everything around could not be seen clearly, only Lisey in front of her was standing in the wind, calmly watching everything in front of her, and behind her, a thick black smoke appeared, more violent than before. Change appeared in front of everyone!

Chapter [-] Suspicion

The huge black wings unfolded, and the crazy tornado disappeared in front of the eyes. The black feathers slowly stretched out, wrapping Lisey's entire body, followed by spreading the wings to break free, and Lisey's face appeared in front of everyone. !

"Are you scared? Everyone?"

There was a smile on Lisey's mouth, obviously she was just overjoyed at the improvement in her strength just now!

"No! Not at all!"

Lei Min smiled in the wind, Ye Yueshen lowered his head and chuckled, patted his chest, Konger's voice changed:

"Oh! It turns out that I just made the decoration on my back bigger. It doesn't seem to have anything to say!"

After speaking, Kong'er transformed into a beautiful girl, standing beside Ye Moon God, Ai Lin has been supporting the barrier, everyone is in it, not affected by the storm just now!

"Humph! It seems that you are going to die here! Remember! I didn't plan to let you leave the Eternal Tribulation Library after absorbing the magic power of the Night Moon God!"

"We didn't plan to leave either! If we don't destroy you, the evil mage, we won't be able to explain it even if we go back!"

Mira stood in front of the crowd, staring fiercely at Lisey. Although Lisey is even more difficult to deal with now, Mira will eliminate this potential demon king even if she sacrifices herself!

"That's right! The boss said what to do! Just do it!"

Akio stood behind Mira, the first to stand up to support!

"I think so too!"

Lilith clenched her sniper rifle and looked at the former student with a hint of reluctance in her eyes, but she still said firmly!

"I will do the same!"

Serena didn't know when, she also stood up, turned to look at her sister, and said firmly with a crying voice:

"Sister, I will definitely stop you!"

"Why are you all so excited?"

Fengjian Lei Min held his samurai sword and stood far away, looking unusually calm!

"Didn't this kid just say that he has a way to deal with Lise, so we stopped? Why, we forgot so soon?"

After speaking, he looked at Ye Yueshen and asked:

"Tell me, what method are you going to use to deal with Lisa, I'm just like Erin, I can help at any time!"''

"Thank you!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, then nodded to Kong'er and said:

"Kong'er, tell Lisai!"

While speaking, Yeyueshen nodded to Fengjian Lei Min, pointed to his wrist, and didn't say much!

Lei Min looked at it, nodded vaguely, looked down at his wrist, and then seemed to understand something, stood still, but it seemed a little far away from everyone!


Kong'er agreed, followed closely, looked at Lisai with a smile on her face, followed closely, and said:

"I wonder if Miss Lisey feels that something is wrong with her body?"


Lisai's eyes suddenly widened, her fingers clenched tightly, the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely, and she said proudly to Kong'er:

"Humph! Are you planning to provoke me? You think too much! I am a candidate for the Demon King, how can I get angry so easily!"

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