Ye Yueshen looked at Lilith next to him speechlessly, just cut off the opponent's wings, but a pair of more terrifying wings came out!

"Suffer to death!"

With a loud cry, Lisei rushed towards Erin's barrier with a very hideous face!


There was a loud noise, and when Ye Yueshen was worried and put his hand on Erin's shoulder, a red light suddenly appeared in front of him, followed by the red light disappearing, and everything around him began to vibrate... …

Chapter [-] Poor Serena


Lilith looked nervously at everything around her, but found that Lisa's figure had disappeared!

"Don't open the barrier!"

Mila's brows were still furrowed, obviously she hadn't let go of her vigilance!

"I know!"

Erin nodded, but didn't look outside the barrier. Lisey's attack just now didn't shake Erin's barrier in the slightest!

"I think she's gone!"

Ye Yueshen looked at everything around him indifferently. At this time, the Eternal Tribulation Library had begun to slowly fall black dust. The dust was blown by the wind outside the barrier, and the wind didn't know where it came from, and it was just so boring. , nothing has changed in the surrounding, even the sky is so pale, people don't want to watch it again after seeing it once!

Akio walked lightly to Serena's side, put his hand on her shoulder, and said:

"Can you detect the traces of your sister!"


Serena turned her head to look at Yazio curiously, stunned for a moment, and said hurriedly:

"Lise's trace could have been inferred, but Erin's barrier was too hard, shielding all her information from a distance, so I'm not sure yet!"

"That's why it's not here!"

The ninja held a katana sword, put the scabbard in front of him, inserted the blade slowly, and said:

"I can't feel the dangerous breath anymore, I believe this guy has left!"

"Then why are we still trapped in the Yongjie Library?"

Lilith asked curiously!

"Maybe it's the reason for the black wave just now. I suspect that the black wave just now did not disappear, but formed a layer of picture outside Erin's barrier, so that we couldn't see the outside!"

"is it?"

Yui looked at the ninja curiously, and then said to Ye Yueshen:

"Big brother, why don't we let Erin close the barrier and see what happens, okay?"

"Try it!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, walked to Erin's side, and said:

"Open your mouth and let Yui take a look!"


Aileen nodded and opened a hole in her barrier. Yaqio saw the opportunity and rushed out. After rushing out of the barrier, in mid-air, Yaqio's figure stagnated in the air!

"Achio, what's wrong?"

Mira asked quickly!

"Looks like we're back in the library!"

Aquio didn't look back, but what he said surprised everyone!

"Are we back in the library?"

While talking, Lilith rushed out while holding her sniper rifle. At this time, the surrounding pictures began to slowly disappear. After Lilith rushed out, she excitedly shouted to everyone behind her:

"Look, we came out of the Eternal Tribulation Library! Everyone, look!"

"It seems that guy really absconded in fear of crime!"

Mira's brows loosened a lot, and the ninja next to him said proudly:

"Look, I'm right!"


Mira nodded infrequently, looked at the ninja with some admiration and said:

"It seems that your perception is more accurate!"

"Because I'm more like a woman!"

The ninja couldn't help but smirk at Mira, and a lot of black lines began to appear on the latter's face inexplicably!

"I don't think I can take it lightly!"

Ye Yueshen took Youyi to Ai Lin's side, looked at the excited faces of everyone, and said slightly calmly:

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