"Of course!"

Night Moon God smiled and said:

"Look, your sister is now, in the eyes of Mila and the others, she is already a traitor to the inspector, for you, she is an irresponsible sister, and for all of us, she has become everyone's Enemy! How do you think she is feeling now? She thinks she is strong and has lost all the good things she once had. This is a sad life!"

"You're right..."

Serena lowered her head and smiled, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said:

"Your magic book says that your magic power that can control yourself is not for my sister, is this true?"

"of course not!"

Night Moon God paused slightly, then said with a smile:

"Magic power is the embodiment of everyone's energy. It was absorbed by your sister. At most, it can't be used at first, but it doesn't mean we control it. You also saw it at the time. It was Konger under my instruction. In order to distract your sister The attention of Lei Min gave Lei Min the opportunity to say so!"

"That is to say, you are still deprived of half of your magic power, is that so!"

Serena said eagerly!

"That's it!"

Yeyueshen smiled and didn't say much. Selina on the opposite side also fell into a state of contemplation. Soon, she said to Yeyueshen:

"Then, can your magic be restored?"


Ye Yueshen was about to say no, but seeing Serena's big eager eyes, Ye Yueshen's heart suddenly softened, and he changed his mouth and said:

"It's actually possible!"

"Really? What to do?"

Serena said more eagerly, as if she wanted to know what Ye Luna's method was!

"Well, it's actually hard to say!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Selina with a little embarrassment. The magic power could not be recovered at all, and could only be absorbed continuously. Everyone knows this, but if she said it, didn't the little girl know that she lied to her just now?Ye Yueshen suddenly fell into a difficult situation.

"Eh? What do you mean? Didn't you just say it can be recovered?"

Selina's eyes widened, making Ye Yueshen especially fond of it!

"I meant to say..."

Ye Yueshen stared at Serena's eyes, and his eyes suddenly looked down unconsciously. Suddenly, a twitch at the corner of his mouth brought out a bad idea in Ye Yueshen's heart!

"Actually, the reason why it's hard to say is because it concerns you!"

"It's about me?"

Selina looked at herself stupidly, and looked at Ye Yueshen with a confused expression, the little girl really didn't understand what Ye Yueshen's words meant!


Ye Yueshen nodded and said solemnly:

"Since your sister took away my magic power by kissing and kissing, you, who are also practicing numerology, can naturally induce the magic power in my body to return to its previous state by kissing and kissing, what I said. Can you hear that?"

"Just let me kiss you?"

Serena looked at Ye Luna timidly, and for the first time found that the big brother in front of her didn't look so trustworthy!

"Of course you don't want to, and I don't care!"

Ye Yueshe opened his arms, smiled sassily, and said:

"Anyway, this magic power, I work hard, maybe I will come back!"


Serena's expression suddenly became solemn, and she pursed her lips and looked at Ye Yueshen. For a long time, it seemed that she had made a difficult decision!

Chapter [-] Shy Kiss


Serena's lips somehow kissed Ye Yueshen's lips inexplicably, and there was a crisp sound. It turned out that the little girl pursed her lips and kissed Ye Yueshen's lips, and then quickly. Release it, because the speed is too fast, so unfortunately it makes a crisp sound!

"It's really embarrassing!"

Selina covered her lips and looked at Ye Yueshen with aggrieved expression. Seeing Ye Yueshen still slightly closed her eyes, she asked curiously:

"Has your magic power recovered yet?"

"Do not talk!"

Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand to block Selina, and said with a look of enjoyment:

"I felt the fragrance of a girl just now, really, I really feel that my magic power has recovered a lot!"


Serena suddenly looked at Ye Yueshen with excitement. No matter what, if her kiss could restore Ye Yueshen's magic power, then it seems that her sister's sins would be alleviated a lot!


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