"What the hell is going on? Everyone is wondering why Lilith ran out alone?"

Mila walked into Ye Luna's room suspiciously, and saw that everyone was in Ye Luna's room as Lilith said, but embarrassingly, no one seemed to want to answer Mila's question!

"It just so happens that I have something else to do, so let's go first!"

Lei Min nodded to Mira and Yazio who came in, and then flew up to the beam, and disappeared from everyone's sight!

"Everyone looks so mysterious!"

Aqio stood behind Mira, looked at everyone who was silent, and said with a smile!

"No, no, we're just doing an experiment!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, looked at Mira suspiciously and said:

"I don't know what the Inspector is here for at this time? Could it be related to me that there is another collapse phenomenon?"


Mira said simply:

"Our most important task now is to try to find a way to defeat Lisey. You are the subject of control. I just want to ask you if there is a way to do this!"

"The way to defeat Lise?"

Ye Yueshen thought for a while, and said:

"There is one, but I don't know if you want to use it!"

"As long as it works, I will consider it!"

Mira nodded and said directly!


Ye Yueshen smiled, then turned his head and said to Selina, who bowed his head beside him:

"Selina, now do your best to show everyone whether your numeracy skills have improved!"

"Huh? Me?"

Serena looked at Ye Yueshen with some surprise, Ye Yueshen smiled and replied:

"Of course it's you! Otherwise, who else can count secret techniques?"

"All right!"

Serena smiled, then took a deep breath, reciting the incantation of the secret spells in her heart, and suddenly opened her eyes and saw the pillar in Yeyueshen's room. After concentrating, she appeared on the pillar in an instant. !

"So fast!"

Akio said in surprise:

"The speed of a ninja is about the same as this!"

"That's right!"

Mira nodded and asked with a serious look:

"What's going on? Did Serena have any reservations when she played against Lisa?"


Ye Yueshen directly refuted, just said:

"This may have a lot to do with me!"

"What do you mean?"

Mira's expression became even more serious, and she didn't know what Ye Yueshen wanted to say...

"Because Lilith just ran out with her face covered, that's why Selina's numeracy skills improved!"

"What is it?"

Yaqio looked at Ye Yueshen with a hint of doubt, something that can improve his strength in a short period of time, even a master like Yaqio wants to get it!

"It's my kiss!"

Ye Yueshen said boldly!

"Big brother!"

Serena looked at Ye Yueshen shyly, this big brother is very good to him, but why is he always so, so shy?

"Darling is right!"

Erin suddenly said:

"I was also after kissing Darling and found that my barrier could last for a long time. I believe that after everyone has kissed Darling, the next time I fight with Lisey, I will not be led by Lisey's nose. gone!"

"Boss, what she said makes sense, I want to try it!"


Mira snapped:

"How can such behavior be worthy of the sacred duty of our inspectors? I absolutely cannot allow such despicable means!"

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