"Do you still have an organization?"

"Of course!"

When Lisei said this, she still looked a little arrogant, but because the mana was consumed too much, Lisei's face couldn't help but turn a little red.

"What kind of organization is that? What is Little Saint doing in it?"

Ye Yueshen asked with concern.

"Be one of them!"

Lisey nodded and said:

"However, this organization is relatively loose. I usually fight alone. I have only been there a few times, and Xiaosheng is always there every time. It seems to be a long-term stay!"

Lisey said subconsciously while recalling.

"Do you mean that the little saint is not in the gap of time and space, but is waiting for me in a specific place?"

Ye Yueshen's voice suddenly turned up several degrees, as if she couldn't believe what Lisey said was the truth.

"Where should it be?"

Lisey looked at Ye Luna curiously, and seemed to be puzzled by the other party's reaction.

"But Konger told me that Xiaosheng was trapped in the cracks of time and space!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Lisai in disbelief, and suddenly remembered that he still had the magic book in his hand, and hurriedly woke Konger from his deep sleep.

"No way!"

When Kong'er heard what Lisei said, she also felt dubious and unbelievable. She watched the little sage hand over herself to Ye Yueshen with her own eyes. Now that she found out about this situation, Kong'er was speechless for a while!

"You can check it out for yourself!"

Lisa shook her head and said:

"I saw it with my own eyes anyway. Of course, if I look the same as Erin, I..."


Before Lisei could finish speaking, Ye Yueshen interrupted her and said decisively:

"It would be nice to have two girls who look exactly the same in this world. There are actually three girls who look exactly the same. This kind of thing will never happen!"

"how do you know?"

Lisey looked at Ye Luna curiously and said:

"What if it's triplets?"

"……how is this possible!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, just as he was about to say something, he heard the sound of Serena waking up. When Ye Yueshen hurriedly calmed down, he suddenly found a familiar figure at the door.


Ye Yueshen looked at the door in surprise. Although he and Mila had a good relationship now, looking at Lisa lying on the hospital bed and Mila at the door, Ye Yueshen always felt that something bad would happen!

"Please come with us! Lise!"

Mira's expression was still so serious, Ye Yueshen even felt that a cold ice cube ran across his back.


Lisey didn't have a big reaction, she sat up cooperatively, tidied up, and then said:

"It seems that I can't follow you to explore the truth about your sister!"

"Will not!"

Ye Yueshen's tone suddenly became deep, glanced at Mira at the door, stood in front of Lisai, and said:

"Mira, you have to make sure that Lisey doesn't do anything dangerous!"

"I promise!"

Mira nodded expressionlessly.

Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, and Yazio, who was beside Mira, stuck his head out with a smile and said to Ye Yueshen:

"You idiot! Do you know? We are here to help the principal to ask for someone, seven magicians. How can you say that destruction is destruction?"

"Oh I got it!"

Ye Yueshen nodded hurriedly, and then looked back, Lisai's expression became much more relaxed, while Serena, who was next to her, kept smiling at her sister, which was much more powerful than the rest of her life!

"Let's go!"

Mira was still so serious, Ye Yueshen shrugged casually, and followed Kong with Konger. The group quickly came to the principal's office. The principal criticized Lisei according to the script, and then gave some high-sounding reasons. , then forgives Lisa's sins, but punishes Serena to look after her sister.

After dealing with Lisa's affairs, Ye Yueshen was about to respond to his sister's affairs, but the principal suddenly took out an urgent notice and handed it to Lilith, and then asked Lilith to summon everyone to discuss it in the principal's room, and then he disappeared. gone!

"This is the result of having an unreliable boss!"

Lilith shrugged, then took out the emergency notice, glanced at it, and the expression on her face suddenly solidified!

"What happened?"

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