Ye Yueshen looked at the fountain in front of him in surprise, thought for a while, suddenly understood, pointed to the fountain and said loudly:

"I said that Lilith was still there to investigate, but she came back before me. It turned out to be because of this teleportation formation!"

"Then why do you think it is?"

Mira squinted at Ye Yueshen and said solemnly:

"This is the sequence table. Later, you and I and your magic guide book will leave the teleportation formation in the east, and the rest will leave the teleportation formation in the other three sides. Do you understand?"

"Why do you still count the sky?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mira in confusion.

"Of course it's because of Kong'er's particularity!"

Aqio next to him came over and said:

"Kong'er is an existence that can still run his own magic power in high-speed time and space when everyone can't move. This is of great help to us!"

"But why can't I go with big brother?"

Yui looked at Mila unwillingly, and it was too much to separate her from her big brother!

"The magic power of a demon king candidate is enough. If you bring you, the teleportation array may fail to teleport!"

Mila glanced at Yuyi with a slight dissatisfaction, everyone's magic power is too strong, and when one-time teleportation, it must be well matched, otherwise, there may be a teleportation error or failure!

"All right!"

Yu Yi Lian reluctantly glanced at Ye Yueshen, but he still followed Yaqio and Serena to another teleportation array!

"Are you all ready?"

The head of the academy, who rarely had a chance to appear, stood on the high platform, looked at the magicians standing in the teleportation formation below, and asked like a rock star!

"It's time to start!"

Mira said calmly!


The head of the academy agreed and immediately activated the teleportation array. Soon, a burst of lightning appeared around everyone, and the high-speed teleportation array covered everyone with blue light!


There was a loud noise, and Ye Yueshen felt that his eardrums were about to explode, and everything in front of him became blank. It was nothing, and a blue-black light began to appear in front of his eyes, appearing little by little in his own eyes. In the eyes of Ye Yueshen, what made Ye Yueshen feel even more uncomfortable was that he seemed to be surrounded by this blue-black environment, and the whole person seemed to be placed in a pile of corruption, uncomfortable and embarrassed!

"What about the rest!"

Mira's voice brought Yeyueshen back to reality. Before Yeyueshen could react, Mira put her crystal ball in the air!

Chapter [-] The Mysterious Little Saint

"It must be a conspiracy!"

Mila looked at everything around nervously, and the blue-black scene came into view, as if the gate of hell had been opened, and terrifying monsters could appear at any time!

"Don't be so nervous!"

Ye Yueshen calmed down, looked at the surrounding situation, and tentatively said:

"Look at these things, they are all illusory. Could it be that the teleportation array is sending too many people, and it's a bit too burdensome?"


Mira exclaimed:

"Although the surrounding scenery is not very clear, there will never be such a situation in the portal. Now we must have arrived, and Lilith and the others may never come! This is a conspiracy, a complete conspiracy. !"

"Uh, is it?"

Ye Yueshen looked around in surprise, then said:

"Mila, what should I do now?"

"Wait until these disguise fade away!"

Mila looked around vigilantly, like a keen hunter, not letting go of any trouble in front of her!

"You say these are disguise?"

Ye Yueshen took two steps away curiously, and when he stretched out his hand, he suddenly felt as if his fingers were cut by some small blade. A rustling pain came, Ye Yueshen quickly retracted his hand, But I found that my hand was intact!

"Who made you mess around!"

Mila looked at Ye Yueshen with dissatisfaction, and suddenly felt that her crystal ball had some reaction. When she looked up, she found that a white sky appeared in front of her eyes!

"It seems that only the two of us have reached our destination!"

Mila pouted, took back her crystal ball, and said to Ye Luna:

"When these disguises fade, we have to be careful, you stand behind me, and we take care of each other!"

"no problem!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then reached out and touched his chest to release Kong'er:

"Kong'er, how is the situation here?"

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