The silhouette of the night moon god suddenly appeared in front of Mira, reached out to stop Mira, and said at the same time:

"Ilias is the little sage's magic book. The little sage will definitely not hurt me. You are my comrade-in-arms, and I will not let her hurt you!"

"That's right!"

Elias looked at Mira calmly out of context and said:

"Master asked me to come here to wait for Big Brother Yeyueshen, just to meet Big Brother!"

"If I wanted to meet, I would have met long ago. It will definitely not take so much trouble. There must be a conspiracy here!"

Mira dissatisfiedly glanced at Ilyas out of chapter, still maintaining the action of fighting!

"Yes, otherwise, why don't you wait for the master at the door, but go inside instead?"

Kong'er also looked in disbelief.

"Because the organization will find out!"

Elias smiled out of context, then raised his hand, pointed to the door behind him, and said:

"This is not an ordinary door. It will not be so easy to get in. Maybe the master wants to take the opportunity to take the entrance examination for Big Brother Yeyueshen! That's it!"

After finishing speaking, Elias raised his hand out of context and rose into the sky, and then disappeared into the air silently!

"Why didn't you attack just now?"

Ye Yueshen, who had reacted, suddenly looked at Mira next to him curiously. With Mira's character, he should have attacked long ago!

"She's got a point!"

Mira nodded, looked at the door in front of her and said:

"I've already come here anyway, and I can't find the key to open the portal here. Whether it's looking for the key or investigating the situation here, we all have to go in and see, so just go in!"

"I can't see it, you're quite sensible!"

Yeyueshen smiled and nodded, and then walked inside with Konger. Just as he reached the door, two huge stone statues moved, blocking Yeyueshen's way. Before Yeyueshen could activate, Kong'er smashed the two giant statues into powder.

Soon, Yeyueshen and Mira had time to simply destroy some magical things that were not very difficult to fight, and then walked to a long corridor, and the corridor was surrounded by a huge pool of water.

"It's strange that there is such a big pool in such a place!"

Yeyueshen glanced at the water pool in surprise. Just as he was about to walk over, suddenly, the just calm water pool suddenly spun, and a huge vortex appeared in front of Yeyueshen.

"Will there be anything strange?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the lake with some vigilance, while Mira placed her crystal ball in the sky, then shed white light and began to detect the magic in the pool!

"The margin of this magic is so big!"

Mira was a little surprised to see the magic power reflected by the water pool. Although it was not very strong, it had a very wide range!


With a loud bang, Yeyueshen suddenly felt his feet shaking, as if there was an earthquake. After a while, the corridor they were in vacated into the air, and when Yeyueshen reacted, the corridor actually started Fall towards the vortex of water in the middle!

"We are standing on top of the monster!"

Mira yelled, and when the crystal ball rose high enough, Mira realized that she had been tricked by this behemoth from the very beginning!

While Mila was shocked, Yeyueshen suddenly emitted a dazzling blue light. Accompanying the blue light, Yeyueshen appeared in a mage battle suit!

"Connect to the arrogant library, implement the control theme, and sweep this shameless monster = monster together with the magic here!"

Chapter [-] Imprisoning the Night Moon God


After a loud bang, the huge pool in front of Yeyueshen disappeared immediately, and Yeyueshen also quickly stepped on the ground. After a closer look, Yeyueshen realized that there was a huge open space in front of him!

"What is this place?"

Ye Yueshen looked around, only to see the buildings of Liberty College around him, but the land under his feet looked like a piece of land that had never been leveled, and it looked like it was full of pits!

"Eh? Why didn't you respond?"

Ye Luna looked curiously at where Mira was standing, and what was greeted was indeed a huge crystal ball falling from the sky!

"I'm going! What's going on?"

Under the shock of Ye Yueshen, he hurriedly took two steps back, only at this time did Mira's voice spread:

"Shameless, you really are a beast!"

"Hey, okay, don't scold people!"

Ye Yueshen argued unhappily:

"If I hadn't reacted in time, the two of us would have been swallowed up by this monster, and the consequences would have been unimaginable, okay?"

"It's better than being swallowed by this monster!"

Mila's voice was full of resentment. Yeyueshen was about to argue, but she felt as if someone had tapped her on the shoulder. When she looked back, it was Kong'er with a hippie smile. Luna also released Konger easily. Although it is troublesome to turn into a magic book and anthropomorphic like this, Ye Yueshen feels that his magic book needs to rest a lot before he can use the best magic book. Status to fight!

"Mila was blown away by you!"

Kong'er's voice was a bit of schadenfreude. Although he made a silent action, anyone could hear the voice clearly, let alone in an empty space!

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