Elias said with certainty out of context:

"But don't worry, the master will not attack you, you just need to stay here and wait for the world to be destroyed!"


Mira struggled and shouted:

"Even without me, Bibria Academy is impossible to destroy!"

"That will be something time will tell, not my master!"

Ilyas smiled slightly out of context, turned around and planned to leave Liberty College, but heard the voice of the Night Moon God behind him...

Chapter [-] Inner Monologue

"Little Saint is hiding something from me!"

With a little confidence in the voice of the Moon God, he stood there watching Ilyas out of chapter, and said with a light smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Little Saint definitely doesn't want me to worry, so that's why I did it!"

"What the master thinks, I don't know!"

Elias was stunned for a moment, turned his head and smiled at Ye Luna.

"But the aura on the little sage is exactly the same as yours. You make me feel that you are the little sage! The little sage who is willing to sacrifice himself at the most critical time!"

"I just transformed into a master, don't think too much!"

Elias glanced shyly at Ye Luna out of context, then nodded and said:

"Actually I just..."

"Are you the one who followed Xiao Sheng and was afraid of my sadness and kept appearing alternately? When Xiao Sheng was alone, you should always be by her side!"

"Uh, that's it! Your reasoning ability is very good!"

Ilyas smiled slightly out of context, stared into the eyes of the Night Moon God and said:

"Your eyes are the same now as they were back then. They are so clear and moving. I still remember the carefree state when the master was with you!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen smiled and nodded:

"Thank you so much. When I'm not with Xiaosheng, you are taking care of Xiaosheng and don't let her be alone!"

"Ah... you said it too hard, I'm just a magic book!"

Ilyas looked curiously at Ye Luna out of context, and then said:

"Actually, I haven't made the master's mood any better. Since I left you, the master's mood has been very low. Although I work hard, I have never seen that kind of heartfelt smile when the master is by your side!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen nodded slightly proudly, and then asked tentatively:

"Then you know, where is the little saint now?"


Ilyas was about to answer out of context when he suddenly glanced at the ring at the sole of Ye Yueshen's feet and was stunned for a moment.

"You think too much, I can't tell you these things, you just stay here, I have to go back to the master!"

"It was discovered!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head and said helplessly:

"Could it be that Little Saint's magic book is more difficult to influence than Little Saint?"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen stood there with a painful expression on his face, how sad and sad his face was:

"Little sage asked you to bring me here, is it just to let me watch the world go to ruin? Can't we just meet once? I really miss our little sage!"

"Master is busy now..."

Ilyas looked at Ye Luna's extremely sad expression out of context, his heart softened, and he said:

"Master is actually carrying a lot of things. She just doesn't want her pressure to become your pressure. There is no way. Now that the master is going to attack your school, she made this decision. I hope to save you!"

"But why is she going to attack Bibria College! The students there are very loving!"

"Unfortunately, the last thing a master needs is love..."

Elias silently glanced at the chandelier in the high place, and his expression dimmed!

"I actually went to attack the academy. Can the rest of the people withstand it? This guy's magic power is so strong that he sealed me easily!"

Mila stood on the spot and didn't speak, but her heart began to slowly get nervous. At first, Mila felt that she had a chance to investigate the situation here, but when the ring under her feet sealed her, Mira felt more and more that the opponent she encountered was completely different from the previous one!

"You'd better stay here quietly according to the master's wishes. Although the environment here is normal, it is absolutely safe!"

Elias saw Ye Luna silently fell into silence, smiled and said.


Ye Luna suddenly raised his head, looked at Elias' broken eyes and said:

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