"Borrow your power... No, it's the power I lent you, I want to interrogate this guy who sealed us up!"


Ye Yueshen shook his head firmly and said:

"This is a whispered magic book, it represents Xiaosheng, I can't hurt her!"

"But she wasn't as kind to your magic book as you were just now!"

Mila turned her head and looked at Kong'er. At this time, Kong'er still had the injury from the fight just now. Although it was no longer serious, it still looked unpleasant!

"I am willing to accept your final blow!"

Elias suddenly raised his head to look at Ye Luna out of the chapter, and said calmly:

"Being able to die in your hands is considered to be my final mission for the master!"

"No, you won't die!"

Ye Luna firmly watched Ilyas break the chapter, stretched out his hand to remove the crystal ball Mila had placed in front of her, squatted down, and said:

"You're frightened, let's rest here for a while, I'll find a way to go back by myself!"

After speaking, Kong'er who was behind his opponent instructed:

"You want to help her rest, Mira and I will find the teleportation point here!"


Although Kong'er was a little reluctant, but seeing Ye Yueshen's firm attitude, he didn't say anything. He walked in front of Ilias' broken chapter, stretched out his hand to help her up, and said with a smile:

"Look, my current master is a good man, as long as you look cute, he won't hurt you!"


Yeyueshen just turned around, and when he heard such words, he couldn't help but stagnate. He turned back and looked at Kong'er helplessly and said:

"When did I teach you to keep your mouth shut?"

"Haha, my master has always been like this!"

Kong'er smiled and sat next to Elias' broken chapter, holding her arm, and said like a sister:

"Look, you used to think that I was not valued by the master, but now it's time to find me, right?"


Ilyas silently glanced at Ye Yueshen out of context, nodded and said!

"Am I right, Lord Chief Inspector?"

Kong'er saw Mila squinting her eyes and said with a smile!

"How can..."

Mila took two steps back, and suddenly reached out to touch her cheek, which was as hot as water that had just been boiled.

"Am I not such a good person?"

Ye Yueshen asked curiously!

"Sure enough, a cheeky guy who doesn't know the virtue of humility at all!"

Mira muttered in a low voice, but nodded silently and said:

"Yes, your master is really not very good in terms of personal ethics, but seeing a beautiful girl is a bit of a gentleman!"

"It's rare to hear a sentence from the reviewer's mouth!"

Ye Yueshen laughed, shook his head, and walked away, looking around for traces that might be the teleportation point!

Konger and Ilyas chatted casually for a few words out of context, and then jumped to Ye Luna's side, pretending to help at first, and when Ye Luna moved far enough, Kong'er's little tiger teeth revealed:

"Master, how is it? Am I a genius?"

"How can you see it?"

Ye Yueshen said calmly, and continued to grope around, looking extremely focused!

"Because I helped you a lot!"

Konger said with a smile:

"Actually, we didn't need Inspector Mira's magic at all in the first place, did we?"

Chapter Eighty-ninth

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Ye Yueshen continued to speak calmly, if it wasn't for the movement of his eyelashes, Kong'er really couldn't see that Ye Yueshen's calm was pretending!

"Because I am your magic book! Master!"

Kong'er laughed and explained:

"Don't forget, at the time I rebuilt the world around you according to your will. At that time, I felt that the power in your body was by no means comparable to that of ordinary magicians!"

"Mira is no ordinary mage!"

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