
Ye Yueshen nodded, stretched out his hand to hold Little Saint's hand, and squeezed it gently, as if he was touching a work of art!

"I like you too! Big brother!"

Xiaosheng bowed his head silently, and said with a red face.


Yeyueshen looked at the little sage in front of him incredulously, how many nights, Yeyueshen dreamed of the appearance of this scene, how many nights, Yeyueshen silently missed the little sage in his heart!


Xiaosheng nodded his head lower, glanced at Ye Yueshen silently, and said in a low voice:

"I told you what I said just now through the bottle! Oh, by the way, I also named my magic book, it is called the bottle, and the bottle is fragile, so she is out of chapter!"


Night Moon God nodded and said:

"You just said that the girl who is in love wants to know everything about the person she likes, wants to restrain the person she likes, and can't spare any woman to get close to the person she likes. This is the real girl in love, right?"


Xiaosheng nodded, then put Yeyueshen's hand on his mouth and said:

"I'm a girl in love now. I want to know everything about you, and I can't spare any woman to approach you! Not to mention skin-to-skin!"

Chapter Eighty-ninth

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Ye Yueshen continued to speak calmly, if it wasn't for the movement of his eyelashes, Kong'er really couldn't see that Ye Yueshen's calm was pretending!

"Because I am your magic book! Master!"

Kong'er laughed and explained:

"Don't forget, at the time I rebuilt the world around you according to your will. At that time, I felt that the power in your body was by no means comparable to that of ordinary magicians!"

"Mira is no ordinary mage!"

Ye Yueshen responded lightly, still not showing too much, still looking for an exit diligently!

"But you are even more unusual!"

Kong'er whispered in Ye Yueshen's ear:

"Although I don't know where your magic power came from and why it is so powerful, your forbearance alone has made me feel that you will definitely become the strongest person in this world!"

"Where am I holding back?"

Ye Yueshen asked gently, neither denying nor affirming Kong'er's conclusion!

"Because every time you show it, it's only a part. If you didn't wake up the sleeping Yui at the most critical time, and accidentally left part of the demon king factor in Yui's dreamland, I would still I really don't know that you didn't use your full strength, even your magic book discovers your true strength level through such details, are you not forbearing enough?"

"That's it!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, then looked at Konger curiously and said:

"So from that time, you knew that the magic in my body was extraordinary?"


Kong'er laughed, and then said to Ye Yueshen:

"But I still let Mira contribute a little magic to you, isn't it very clever?"

"Wit is wit, can you not say it?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Kong'er silently, then stretched out his hand and pointed at Kong'er's back, Konger was startled, and turned his head quickly, only to see that Mira was still trying to find clues to leave, and took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, he turned his head and glanced at Yeyueshen sadly, patted his mouth and said:

"Look at you scaring me!"

"I just remind you to keep your voice down, I didn't say there is danger!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, and then turned his head to see Ilyas, who had been sitting still, was out of chapter...

"What? Do you still hope to find Xiao Sheng through her?"

Konger said with some jealousy!

"No way!"

Ye Yueshen turned around, fondly touched Kong'er's head and said:

"You are so smart and careful, you didn't realize that I did this from the very beginning. If there is no accident, the little sage knows the situation here and should come over!"

"is it?"

Kong'er looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise, and for the first time found out that what she imagined was already implemented by her master!


Night Moon God smiled, and then slowly walked to Elias out of context, and said softly:

"What? Have you recovered a little?"

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