"Have you found a way back?"


Kong'er shook his head, and without waiting for Yeyueshen to say anything, he pointed at the little sage in Yeyueshen's arms and said:

"Actually, this place is within the control of Xiaosheng's magic power. We can only rely on her if we want to go back!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen turned his eyes to the little saint in his arms again, and the little saint did not hesitate. As soon as he stretched out his hand, a door of light was opened in front of everyone. After the door was opened, everyone returned to the original Bibri with ease. sub academy.

"what is that?"

Kong'er's observation skills are always very good. As soon as he returned to Bibria Academy, he saw a blue-green glowing thing dancing in the sky, as if it was doing tricks in the sky!

"That's Lugu, the God of Light!"

The little sage sat on the shoulders of Yeyueshen, pointed at the sky and said!


Ye Yueshen looked up following the little sage's guidance, only to see a figure that quickly skipped over Lugu's back, and stabbed Lugu's back with a knife!


Just as the ninja's ninja knife was inserted into Lugu's body, there was a loud noise, and the ninja's body was swept by a dark light and flew to the side. The people were grinning in place, obviously the attack was not going well!

"Numeric secrets, imprisoned!"

Lisai's voice and Serena's voice sounded at the same time, Ye Luna took a closer look, only to see that the two sisters who had just changed into the mage battle costumes had come to the roof of Bibria Academy, facing the light in the air. Shen Lugu issued a secret technique of imprisoning and intending to imprison him!

"Not yet?"

Mila roared at Ye Yueshen in dissatisfaction, and then threw her crystal ball in the air, chanting words in her mouth, regardless of the fact that the magic power in her body had not recovered, she joined the battle!

"I'm going!"

Ye Yueshen put the little sage on his shoulders on the ground, then when he reached out his hand, he exchanged Kong'er for his magic book. At the same time, he stretched out his other hand and pulled the silent Ilyas to himself. next to , and at the same time command:

"Let this world be controlled, let the magic here be controlled, and let the shameless God of Light here leave this space!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge roar covered the sound of the clothes being torn. When Ye Yueshen opened his eyes, Lugu, the god of light in the air, had disappeared. Although the explosion of light waves just now was very spectacular, it triggered two magic books at the same time. Ye Yueshen closed his eyes in order to concentrate!


The screams came, and Ye Yueshen didn't need to look to know that the girls who had changed into battle costumes were frantically looking for their original clothes to put on, but luckily they didn't open their eyes!

"Big brother, it's alright!"

The voice of the little sage came, and Yeyueshen opened his slightly closed eyes, only to see seven familiar figures suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Lilith! Lei Min, Lisai! Agios, Serena, Yui, Erin! You are all here!"

Yeyueshen looked at the girls in front of him excitedly. Although they looked at Yeyueshen a little unhappily, after getting dressed, they all gathered around!

"Thank you for coming, otherwise Bibria College would be over!"

Lilith said with a lingering fear:

"The Principal has already died in the battle just now. The remaining students were swallowed up by the Light Destruction launched by Lugu, the God of Light, because of their inferior magic. I'm afraid they won't be able to return!"

"is it?"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he sighed in his heart, and Mira, who was next to him, hurriedly asked:

"Then can we still find human gathering points now?"

"I'm afraid it won't work!"

Yui pouted and said:

"I used the magic of the dream realm to scan the surrounding situation, and even our so-called superiors do not exist! It seems that there are only a few of us left on this planet!"

Chapter [-] Destruction and Rebirth!

"All right!"

Mila's expression darkened a lot, Ye Yueshen reached out and patted Mila's back lightly, raised his head and looked at the people in front of him and said:

"The things I'm going to say now may be a little hard for everyone to accept, but I promise that this is my decision after careful consideration, and it's not a whim!"

"What decision?"

Yaqio looked at Yeyueshen curiously, not understanding why Yeyueshen, who was a little unreliable before, now looks more like his own leader!

"That is to completely eliminate the collapse phenomenon on this planet. Of course, the method is quite special!"

Night Moon God said quickly:

"In short, I want to destroy this world, then regenerate, then destroy, and reborn again, until the collapse of this world does not occur!"

"Ah? Let this world be destroyed?"

Serena looked at Ye Yueshen incredulously, patted her forehead, and made sure she was not dreaming, just said:

"Could it be that Big Brother and Mira became Dark Mage after they went to Liber Academy?"

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