"This is the monitoring room. I came here once when I was lost. We can see who has checked Yiji, so that we can find these people and question them one by one!"

Tianyin led Yeyueshen to the front of a tin house. Yeyueshen looked at the house in front of him in surprise, and suddenly said in surprise:

"It's really confusing that a hospital's monitoring room is placed in such a hidden place!"

"If you don't understand it, you don't understand it, we'll find out when we go in!"

Tianyin smiled, then skillfully took a hairpin from her head, moved it twice at the keyhole, and the tight iron door was opened!

"I can't see it, you still have so much time!"

Yeyueshen looked at Tianyin's skilled movements and was amazed:

"So skilled!"

"When I have nothing to do at home, I always go to help with the goods, but I am too forgetful, and I am always murdered by my father. After a long time, I will practice this unique skill!"

Tianyin blinked and said with a smile, with a little arrogance in her tone.

"Uh, geniuses are really forced out!"

Yeyueshen smiled thoughtfully, and then walked in. Yeyueshen had already seen it with the look of the breath, and there was no one in this room!

"That's it!"

Tianyin smiled, and then followed, but was pressed by Ye Yueshen's shoulder:

"There's a camera, let me handle it!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen reached out and took the hairpin on Tianyin's hand, hit the red dot in the distance, and then walked in with Tianyin!

"My impression is that there is no camera in the ward on Yiji's floor!"

Tian Yin walked in and muttered.

"The wards on that floor are all routine inspections, and the one who asks my sister to come out for inspection is suspicious!"

Ye Yueshen walked in front of the full screen, looked at the screen in front of him lightly, and quickly found the video library from yesterday to the present, and after a simple deletion, found the video of Yiji and downloaded it. , and then walked out with Tianyin. In such a secret place, the shorter the time, the better!

At the same time, on the same floor of Yiji Ward, in an inconspicuous little room, three mysterious characters appeared. In addition to a white-haired old man, there were also two girls in strong suits. In front of the individual is a black box. The three holes on the box indicate that the box requires three people to twist the key at the same time to open it!

Chapter [-] Beauty Duo

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

A girl with blue hair looked at the vice president in front of her and said with a serious expression:

"This is a phone call to notify the supreme commander. Once opened, it can only be used once and will be destroyed. Are you sure your judgment is correct?"

"Of course it is!"

The old man helped the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose and said calmly and calmly:

"For this thing, I've been looking for it for [-] years. How could I be wrong? I don't want my epitaph to have only a small title of vice president written on it!"

"What an enthusiastic old man!"

The little girl with blond hair next to her reached out and handed over a pure gold key from her waist:

"Then let's get started!"


The blue-haired girl stretched out her hand to block and said:

"Old man, you wait here first, JB and I will check first, if this kind of thing is screwed up, we can't atone for it!"

"If you don't believe my judgment, I will ask the staff to prepare a doctor's clothes for you two, you can go in and have a look!"

After speaking, the old man sat on the sofa with his legs crossed - as if the winning ticket was in hand, and there was no need to wait!


JB nodded, put away the key on the table, and said to the blue-haired girl next to him:

"Mazi, let's go now and try to solve this matter today!"

"En! I hope some people's fame will not become a laughing stock under our test!"

Mazi glanced at the old man unhappily, and then took JB away from the hut. JB, who had left the hut, locked the door very carefully, and then walked towards Yiji's ward.

At this time, Yeyueshen and Tianyin had already returned to Yiji's side. At some point in Yeyueshen's hand, a smart display had appeared, and what was playing on it was from yesterday to the present, all of Yiji's Surveillance video, because there is no surveillance video on this floor, so Ye Yueshen quickly found the video that recorded the figure of Yiji.And very quickly, Ye Yueshen identified three suspicious places!

"From yesterday to now, my sister has gone out from this floor three times, once to the radiology department for a routine examination, where there are all radioactive equipment, so we don't have to look for it, no one will put top-secret information on that kind of thing. Local, and looking at the state of the doctor at the time, it was obvious that he was on business and did not do anything strange to my sister!"

"What about the remaining two?"

Tianyin shook her little head, her two ponytails were swaying, looking very cute, while Yiji was lying on the bed, half-sitting, looking at Yeyueshen's serious expression, a hint of relief appeared at the corner of her mouth:

"Seeing that Yeyueshen cares about me so much, I suddenly feel relieved. Only by my brother's side can I show my true self!"

Ye Yueshen obviously didn't see Yiji's infinitely emotional gaze, so he deleted the video in front of him, and then said:

"The remaining two are very suspicious. They are the Department of Neurology and the Department of Neurology. Not to mention that these two departments have nothing to do with my sister's injury. From the perspective of time alone, they are very suspicious!"

"One was around twelve o'clock last night, and the other was after seven o'clock this morning, both of which are the most leisurely time in the hospital!"

Ichiki nodded and continued:

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