At this moment, Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand and punched it directly on the shoulder of this person, then grabbed the alcohol bottle next to him, and threw it at the person!

"Don't move! If you move, I'll throw this lighter on you!"

Yeyueshen scolded in a low voice, only this soldier appeared in the vicinity, Yeyueshen was still very confident in his escape!

"Yiji, tie his hands, don't be nervous, no matter how fast he is, he won't burn as fast as alcohol!"

When Yiji heard the words, she quickly took out the rope that tied herself and Yeyueshen just now, tied it to Yeyueshen, and then stepped back alone.


Ye Yueshen stepped forward, snatched the gun from the man, gave him a butt, then quickly changed into the man's clothes and walked to the fifth floor with Yi Ji!

"Why did you go back again?"

Kazuhime was halfway there and asked nervously.

"And Tianyin!"

Yeyueshen responded, turned his face to Yiji and said:

"You said later that it was the nurse who came to deliver the materials. We will definitely be able to pass. It's so messy now!"

Having said that, he took Yiji to the fifth floor, and briefly said a few words to the soldiers guarding the door, and Ye Yueshen successfully brought Yiji to the room he just left!


The moment she saw Yiji, Tianyin almost cried out, but looking at the two soldiers with bad looks around her, Tianyin still lay down obediently, just pretending she didn't know anything!

"We're in charge of taking care of this person, and they asked you to go to the third floor to check! They said it was suspicious!"

Yeyueshen said to the soldiers in the room with a serious face, and then made a gesture of invitation to Yiji:

"Miss nurse, you can come and examine the wounded. It is said that this person claimed to be lying here after being knocked unconscious!"

Chapter [-] Escape

"Brother, this little girl said she was lying here alone from the beginning. How do you say she was knocked unconscious?"

A soldier guarding Tianyin came over and asked curiously. Without waiting for Ye Yueshen to answer, he said in surprise:

"Why do you smell like alcohol at this point?"

"I was in a hurry just now and broke a bottle of alcohol!"

Ye Yueshen responded lightly:

"The order I received was to invite the nurse from the psychology department to see what happened. As for the reason, I don't care, I'm just an errand!"


The man nodded, and as soon as he turned his head, Yeyueshen knocked him unconscious with the butt of his gun. Before Tianyin and Yiji could react, Yeyueshen pointed his gun at another soldier and said:

"I can see this person's tiny movements with a gun, so you don't have to struggle, just squat on the ground and make yourself dizzy, or I'll give you a gun, you choose one!"


When Ye Yueshen pointed a gun at his forehead, the man glanced at Ye Yueshen angrily, then slammed his head against the wall and fainted.

"Too smart, too smart to be punished!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and shook his head, then walked over to the bed, pulled Tianyin up, and brought Tianyin and Yiji down from the window to the ground. Originally Yiji was against it, but Yeyueshen said that the enemy After not searching this place again, Kazuhime came down.

"Now you sit in the garden over there and pretend to be ordinary people. I'll lead away the people who might come over, and let the two of you go to the gate and wait for me!"


Yiji nodded and walked towards the garden with Tianyin. At this moment, two soldiers who came to check appeared. Yeyueshen took a detour, went to the east of the complex, fired two shots into the sky, and then sneaked back!


Yeyueshen hurriedly shouted at the two of Lengshen, and while everyone went to the east where the gunshots were fired, the three of them finally came to the gate!

"Don't move!"

JB shouted sharply, and suddenly stopped the hurried footsteps of the three.

"Don't panic, I turn around, you two don't move!"

Ye Yueshen explained in a low voice, then turned around and put his hands on top of his head.

"You are very smart!"

JB looked at Ye Yueshen with admiration, smiled and said:

"Sure enough, the genius's family is also a genius. At such a young age, wearing a military uniform fooled all our people!"

"But I didn't fool the two angel sisters!"

Night Moon God smiled softly:

"You finally let us fall short!"

"But your performance is already very good, why don't you do it like this, your sister obeys the government's arrangement, see the project that can change all mankind, and you follow me and Mazi to train well, it can be seen that you are a good seedling , I don't want to maim you with the gun in my hand now!"

"Have you ever heard of a poem?"

Ye Yueshen raised his hands high, and a wicked smile appeared on his mouth.

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