Ye Yueshen looked at Mazi speechlessly.

"Don't you have a cell phone?"

Asami recalled:

"At that time, I often called the outside world. Once again, I saw it in the corridor. Don't make excuses!"


Yeyueshen looked at Mazi with black lines all over his head, and said:

"This is a military camp. How can I bring my mobile phone in? I was confiscated when I came in!"

"How stupid!"

Mazi shook his head helplessly, then waved at Ye Yueshen, and brought Ye Yueshen to his room.

"Then, I'll give you a mobile phone, you know? Take off the signal transmitter of the mobile phone when you have nothing to do, and then disassemble it into parts to bring in, and then assemble it! If they say you accept it, you will give it. You are so good!"

Mazi handed a cell phone to Yeyueshen, and while teaching a lesson, he said to Yeyueshen:

"Go ahead and give this to JB and let her get you an air signal so you can call and get online!"


Ye Yueshen took the phone that Mazi gave, looked at it, and said:

"Anyway, I don't need to surf the Internet and make phone calls. Forget it, you should take it and give me a stopwatch!"

"Really? Are you as lonely as I am?"

Mazi looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, nodded, and put away his mobile phone. He didn't know when to start. If there was no one on the phone, he would feel very lonely!

"It's getting late, let's go eat!"

Seeing Ye Yueshen not speaking, Mazi nodded slightly, and the look in his eyes became a little kinder. The sharpness at the beginning was gone in front of this boy. , an impulse of love...

Came to the shooting range with Mazi, Ye Yueshen was about to say hello to JB, but was stopped by Mazi!

"Shh... When JB is working hard, he is very annoying to be disturbed by others, especially when the pen is flying like this, don't bother, otherwise, you will see a rare wild animal in the legend!"

"Uh, what animal?"

Yeyueshen looked at Mazi strangely, and countless questions rose in his heart.


Mazi smiled, then pulled Yeyueshen to stand behind JB, watching JB keep recording the dots on the white manuscript paper at a flying speed, and quickly recorded three big sheets!

"Hmm! Finally finished recording! I'm exhausted!"

JB put away the pen, and when he turned around, he saw Ye Yueshen and Mazi staring blankly at him, and was instantly taken aback:

"Why are you two behind me? When did it happen?"

"It's not long, seeing that you are so busy, I dare not disturb you!"

Mazi smiled and said:

"What important information was intercepted? So excited?"

"Little White Bear is out!"

JB blinked at Mazi, then rushed out with the intercepted information, leaving Ye Yueshen curiously looking at the stunned Mazi:

"What little white bear?"

"A shameless terrorist!"

Mazi held his wrist and said expectantly:

"This time, your master, I'm going to come in handy! Humph, if you want to hide me from the snow, these generals must be showing their brains!"

Saying that, Mazi turned around and picked up his sniper rifle. It was two shots at the target [-] meters away!

"Eleventh ring, eleventh ring!"

The two Eleven Rings immediately made Ye Yueshen take three steps back from the excited Mazi. Just kidding, the center of the target is the Eleventh Ring. This person actually hit two Eleven Rings all at once. No matter how you look at it, he is abnormal Bar!

Chapter forty-six eager to try

"How is it?"

Just as JB returned to the room, Mazi hurriedly stepped forward and asked:

"Is it possible to set off to clean up the group of terrorists right away?"

"You think too much……"

JB shook his head and said:

"This is just a piece of information, and the content of the information is only opinion. It's not a plan to haunt the little white bears. Shangfeng has received the information and asks us to continue monitoring and try to grasp the movements of this group of terrorists in the shortest possible time. !"

"All right!"

Mazi was obviously a little disappointed, and after walking two steps in the room, he said to Ye Yueshen next to him:

"Let's go, don't disturb your JB sister's rest, let's go out!"

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