Yeyueshen stood on the steps and looked down, only to see a dot flashing constantly, and it was directly directed at his eyes!

"Boy, do you miss me very much?"

Mazi's familiar voice came, Ye Yueshen covered his eyes, only to realize that the shining place was Mazi holding something in his hand.

"What it is?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mazi and asked curiously. After a few days, Mazi's face was a little tired, and he looked a little darker than before.

"A medal!"

While holding the medal, Mazi flashed at Ye Yueshen's eyes, and shouted to JB's room:

"JB come out quickly, aren't you all so lazy when I'm not here? Are you still sleeping until now?"

"We waited for you all night last night, but you didn't come back..."

Ye Yueshen yawned and walked in front of Mazi, took a closer look, and found that the medal in Mazi's hand seemed to be different from what he had seen before.

"What kind of medal is this? So heavy?"

"Pure gold!"

Mazi said proudly:

"This is a first-class defense medal, which is awarded to those who have made particularly significant contributions to the security of the country!"

JB's voice came from behind, Ye Yueshen was turning back, and Mazi had already shouted:

"Can the two of you stop being so casual when I'm not here. Is it appropriate to come out in your pajamas during the day?"

"You said..."

JB looked at Mazi with a tired face, and yawned as he said:

"It was because of your excitement yesterday that you transmitted a code on the radio that you would be back soon. Ye Yueshen and I temporarily deciphered it and waited for you in the room until the early morning, but you didn't come back! The place where you sent the signal is right here. The annex is not far? Say, where did you fool around last night?"

"fool around?"

With a look of being wronged on his face, Mazi said angrily with his hips on his back:

"I also think it's good to come back. Who knows, I was pulled to get this medal. According to the news, I killed a particularly powerful terrorist organization and injured a particularly powerful transnational criminal. I I didn't know what was going on, so I was dragged into the capital, and the police commissioner personally awarded me this medal..."

"Oh, it seems to be excusable..."

JB nodded and asked curiously:

"Is that hunch of Ye Yueshen correct? I really want to verify it."

"I still want to say this!"

When Mazi heard this, he immediately became excited, grabbed Ye Yueshen's shoulders with both hands, and shook it vigorously:

"You know, if I hadn't remembered your reminder, I might have died as soon as I came up. At that time, it was dangerous, and I was almost killed by that bastard. Fortunately, I remembered your reminder at a critical moment and avoided it, otherwise, What you see now is not this pure gold medal, but my icy corpse..."

"It's fine!"

Night Moon God nodded and said:

"It's still Mazi's superb skills, otherwise, my reminder will be in vain!"

"Why is it a white reminder?"

Mazi grabbed Ye Yueshen's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Of course I won't let you work in vain, so, don't you want to learn firearms? Come on, I'll teach you now!"

"that is real good!"

JB opened his eyes wide and looked at Mazi, if this happened before, JB must think he was dreaming, how is that possible?Mazi is a famous master who does not pass on men and women, but only about himself. It is impossible for a child to learn firearms with him.

"More than that!"

Mazi smiled and said to Ye Yueshen:

"Go, get the gun from my motorcycle, I'll show you something!"

"Well, what else is there to see besides guns and bullets?"

JB looked at Mazi silently, Yeyueshen was honest, anyway, when he was idle and bored, Yeyueshen went to carry Mazi's gun over. The huge sniper rifle weighed more than [-] pounds, plus ammunition and other accessories , Mazi's gun bag is not easy to hold.

"Is it heavy?"

Mazi looked at Ye Yueshen and smiled.


Yeyueshen nodded, but he didn't think it was too hard. Although he was still young, Yeyueshen's body was developing very quickly, so he could still bear the weight...

"En, you're in good health!"

Mazi smiled and asked:

"Like it?"


Ye Yueshen nodded. The contents in the bag are considered to be the best individual soldier equipment in the world. Ye Yueshen is familiar with the military camp, and he naturally knows that those who can hold sniper rifles are elite soldiers, and he is also very interested.

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