"Moving? Why?"

Ye Yueshen put the pillow on the stone table next to him, walked to the front of the steps, and looked at JB curiously:

"Isn't this a good time? Why did you suddenly move? It's been many years!"

"No reason!"

Mazi's voice carried an unpleasant aura. Standing in the room, he crossed his hips and said:

"It's the old lady, I think it's really unpleasant to stay in this place where there are stinky men everywhere!"

"What does this have to do with men? As if they can get close to you..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Mazi with a black line, this reason doesn't hold at all, okay!

"Okay, I just want to go to the mountains and forests to relax and cultivate myself!"

Mazi stroked his hair, pointed to JB and said:

"It's all this guy. When you're not around, he frantically plays with stocks, and he actually made a lot of money. He bought a dozen Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and what kind of bullshit Cadillacs are. Now I have the motivation to lie on the fence and watch the luxury cars every day, it's annoying!"

"But you also found a lot of human flesh sandbags by the way!"

JB looked at Mazi with a displeased expression, and didn't admit that it was his own problem!

"But they can't help but fight!"

Mazi shouted loudly, walked over and took out the wine jar under his bed and handed it to Yeyueshen:

"Keep it well, this is my lifeblood. When I go to the mountain, I rely on this for entertainment!"

"Just drink less..."

Yeyueshen reluctantly took the wine jar, fixed it on JB's newly purchased Hummer, tied up the pockmarks and loaded all the things to be taken away, and then the three of them came to the mountain forest of Xia Zong mighty!

"Are you sure this is a cabin?"

Ye Yueshen stood in front of the log cabin mentioned by JB and looked at JB speechlessly:

"Where is this cabin! It's obviously a wooden villa, isn't it? You're here to be a ranger, obviously you're looking for a quiet place to take a vacation!"

"Hey, hey, boy, you can't talk nonsense!"

As Mazi put his beloved sweet potato wine in the corner, he walked down the steps and stood in front of Ye Yueshen:

"This mountain forest is the closest place to Tokyo. It is an important water source and forest reserve in our country. I came here with the approval of the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, understand?"

"For the sake of your hard work and achievements for so many years, isn't it..."

Ye Yueshen rubbed his ears. He had already listened to these words all the way. At first, he felt that these bureaucrats were so shameless. After using the pockmarks for so many years, they threw them away. Only when they came here did they realize that this was completely unconditional. To take care of Mazi, how can there be underfloor heating in a forest hut?The cost of installing the ground wire from Tokyo alone is enough to buy a warship!

"That's right!"

He snapped his fingers at Yeyueshen, Mazi entered his hut with a smile, and Yeyueshen was familiar with his new residence, sitting on the wooden sofa, and asked curiously:

"What? Are you planning to enjoy your old age and retire?"


Mazi snorted at Ye Yueshen and said:

"It's too young. Look at my box of medals and my combat records. I should have offended a lot of people, right?"

"Then you shouldn't be here!"

Ye Yueshen picked up the fruit knife and said while peeling the apple:

"So many old enemies of the enemy family are thinking about you. If you are still in the military camp, how could they possibly attack you, but it's different here!"

"But it's different here!"

Mazi didn't wait for Ye Yueshen to finish speaking, a sly expression appeared on his face:

"In this way, when they are looking for trouble for me, I can happily cut the weeds and roots. These guys, in order to protect the civilians and the country's secrets, never had the opportunity to wipe out these human scum. When they got here, they As soon as I come, I can let them taste the taste of being close to the god of death!"


Ye Yueshen looked at Mazi sweating profusely, and JB next to him shrugged at Ye Yueshen at the right time:

"Look, this is the pockmark we are familiar with. It's not like what I wrote in my application letter, I hate military life, kill enough people..."

"Hey, I'm here for your own good!"

Mazi snatched the apple that Ye Yueshen had cut involuntarily, stuffed it in his mouth, and shouted loudly:

"I killed these enemies, wouldn't your workload be reduced?"

"How can..."

JB sighed, reached out and took out a document from the cool bag he just bought:

"Look, our organization will never give us too much leisure time, no, it actually asks us to solve the problem of property rights inheritance!"

"Problem of inheritance of property rights?"

Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, and said curiously:

"Shouldn't that be a matter of court? Proportion and kinship!"

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