Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye. Looking at the time on the date, Ye Yueshen prepared his bags and walked out of the increasingly familiar wooden house.

"Boy, come back quickly!"

Patting Yeyueshen on the shoulder, Mazi looked at Yeyueshen with a look of relief. The child Yanran was now an adult, and she was a man of the sky!

"Don't worry, I will! You should also pay attention to your body! Don't drink too much!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, looking at Mazi with some worry!

"Got it! Got it! Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Mazi shook his hands casually, as if protesting Ye Yueshen's interference with him.

"Hopefully, you always let one of the people who have come to seek revenge these days in order to let them go back and bring more enemies to practice their skills, right?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Mazi with eyes that saw through everything, the latter glanced helplessly at JB who was grinning behind Ye Yueshen, and said:

"Understood, I will kill more slowly, so they don't dare to come!"


Ye Yueshen smiled helplessly, and when he turned around, he saw an extra postcard in JB's hand:

"Which big black guy sent it here, look at it, I picked it up when I went shopping in Tokyo yesterday!"


Ye Luna curiously opened the postcard sent by O'Neill, and his eyes couldn't help showing a sober look:

"very nice!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, and then put the postcard away. The postcard sent by O'Neal was actually very simple. It was to thank Ye Yueshen for saving his life. After Ye Yueshen reminded himself, O'Neill escaped a fatal shot. bullet, survived.

"Let's go!"

JB patted his Ferrari and looked proudly at Mazi and Ye Luna:

"This is the latest model. It accelerates to [-] kilometers per hour in three seconds!"

"Need not!"

Mazi smiled proudly, stretched out his hand, and gave Ye Yueshen a bunch of keys:

"As a soldier, we don't drive the vulgar car that Ferrari uses to pick up girls. Come on, get on a jeep and make that Yumiko fall in love with you!"

"You are so generous!"

JB looked at Mazi speechlessly, got on a Ferrari alone, and rushed out all the way, while Ye Yueshen drove a jeep, turned over from the mountainside path, and took a shortcut to the private Mihama College.

"Boy, go back to school and go to school, you are already the perfect warrior!"

Mazi finished the last sip of wine in the jug, then went back to the room alone, picked up his sniper rifle, and went to the top of the mountain to ambush...

Chapter [-] Mihama Academy

"Feng Jian Yashenyue, the address is...Dali County, Yamanashi Prefecture"

Holding Yashenyue's identification, the policeman wearing a tie and a shirt looked at Yashenyue suspiciously:

"Why did you come to this town?"

"I said it ten minutes ago, I moved here!"

Ye Shenyue clasped her hands and stepped on the beam of the table, bowing her head in dissatisfaction.

"But where to move hasn't been decided yet, no parents, no siblings, no relatives, all dead, right?"

The policeman muttered unhappily, suddenly stood up, and slammed his fist on the table:

"Who the hell are you? Are you a terrorist somewhere?"

"Feng Jian Ye Shenyue, occupation is student!"

Ye Shenyue looked up at the police officer in front of her, stood up, smiled, and punched the police officer in the face:

"Show me some respect! Didn't your parents teach you to speak human language?"

After he finished speaking, he kicked the table in front of him, picked up the stool and threw it on the police officer at the door, walked over and kicked the rude bastard, picked up the phone on the wall, and dialed it skillfully...

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, Feng Jianjun!"

Fanning his fan in embarrassment, standing at the door of the police station, the sheriff who returned to the police station looked at Ye Shenyue with sweat on his face:

"If it's from Ichigu, you have to tell me! When you searched your name in the database, the special agency of the Ministry of Defense called and said that the first general of the Ministry of Defense was not accepting our protection. , I really took a big jump! Hahaha..."

Silently glanced at the glib director, Ye Shenyue turned around and walked out of the police station.

An ordinary hit car was already parked at the door, and Tachibana Qianhe, who was dressed professionally, leaned in front of the car door, looked at Ye Shenyue with a smile, raised her hand and made a non-standard military salute:

"It's been hard work! Feng Jianjun!"


Ye Shenyue nodded, walked to the co-pilot, and followed Ju Qianhe on the way back to school. Less than a month later, she brought Ju Qianhe to the suburban bridge again. Ye Shenyue looked at the azure blue. on the water, sighing endlessly.

"Long time no see, Feng Jianjun!

Sitting in the driver's seat, Tachibana Chizuru pointed a finger to her lips like a little girl and said:

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