
The witch of Xingjia took a long breath, as if she was emboldening herself, "Whether it's day or night, whether it's at home or at the beach, as long as Xiaoye is together, it's enough."

As long as you are there.

Who is this naked and naked confession, but also a tactful and affectionate confession.

Generally speaking, confessions are of course for men. If a girl puts down her body and speaks in a tone that seems to be begging, then this girl... must really like him.

It's just that Ye Shenyue has no time to express, because Bai Xue's words have not been finished at this time, and it seems that she wants to use all her strength and courage at this time, "As long as it is now, I know that the nightclub I was looking at Aria, but now, I hope... I hope there is only one person in Saya's eyes. This way... this way... I'm satisfied."

After she finished speaking, Bai Xue threw herself directly on Ye Shenyue's body and brought her face up.

Is this... asking for a kiss?

"Always look at Aria" in the previous sentence of Bai Xue's words made Yagami's heart tighten. Could it be that he is so...obvious?

The last sentence, Bai Xue's humble request, is distressing.

Just looking for a moment, just wanting to be there for a while.

Such a request... at all... simply impossible to refuse.

Ye Shenyue pressed the girl's shoulder, which was slightly thin, and kissed it gently.

Bai Xue's lips are very soft, but her body is very hot and hot, which makes people feel strange.

It's like the snow girl hugging in the ice and snow is not cold, but exciting and hot.

"Bang bang bang!"

At the seaside, at this time, the sky filled with fireworks sprayed out, and the fireworks bloomed one after another, blooming the most splendid colors.

And Ye Shenyue, at this moment Ye Shenyue was thrown directly to the ground by Bai Xue.

The ground is full of sand, and it doesn't hurt at all to fall on the ground, but Bai Xue has actively pressed his shoulders, just like what he did the last second.

Press and hold.

Tough to sit on top of him.

"Although...even though I only wish for short-term happiness...but now...it really has to be a fait accompli to be at ease...people...people want Xiaoye...always remember!"

Said the shrine maiden of Xingga.

There are still too few people who don't care about eternity only because they have once owned it, even if it can be done like that...then...it must have been completely owned once!

Kisses or something... already got it.

So now...then...then...then...

Ps: Thanks to 1913995957, Ghost Waterfall, Buried @ Burial, monthly pass for qsxeszll2. K weep, lost section, hicker0, flowers and evaluation of 84663727cs.

Chapter 0022

What is meant by remembering forever?

Someone once said that even if you can't be with the person you like forever, then die for him and let the other person remember her forever.

This is a cruel decision.Except for a certain Beginning Tree Princess named Suobu Yefeng, Ye Shenyue has never heard anyone say that.

And Bai Xue would not... Not only did she not think so, she did not intend to do so.

What Xingga's shrine maiden wants and wants to do is... now push it immediately, and then make it a fait accompli.

In this way, no matter what, it will make the other party remember her, and then... it's okay to be disconnected or something!

President Bai Xue was completely excited, and he directly threw Ye Shenyue to the ground, and then started to tear off his clothes.

It's not the first time Ye Shenyue has been pushed back.

Only this time...it seems a little weird.

Generally speaking, the girls who push backwards muster up the courage, and then succeed in one fell swoop, and directly take off all the boys' clothes first.

Take off the boy's clothes first, even if he struggles away at this time, then he will not dare to escape because his clothes are taken off, so he has to put on his clothes first.And then this also prepares a chance for the girl who missed with one blow.

You can take the opportunity to grab the boy's clothes and intimidate them.Force the other party to voluntarily.

According to the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, live happily with the person you like.

But Shiraishi-chan is different. Maybe the shrine maiden who is out of the world does have the demeanor of a shrine maiden, so she doesn't know this at all, she just took off all her clothes.

It was only when Bai Xue's eyes accidentally touched Ye Shenyue's eyes with tension, everything changed again.

Surprisingly, at this moment, Bai Xuejiang did not continue to attack, but directly... put on the clothes again, and also helped the belt.

This is... repentance?

"That...forgotten just now...all said...all said that boys like to do this...so...before it's a fait accompli...Xiaoye...please...please pull away..."

Bai Xue actually got up from Ye Shenyue's body, and then handed the end of the re-tied belt to Ye Shenyue.

Seems to be holding him back.

Then... grab the belt and untie the yukata completely?

This... is indeed a very satisfying method.

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